I heard a lot of Ghost stories in my home town & if Ghost exists why can't everybody see them?

Some quick "definitions" to help understand things. "Paranormal" simply means something unexplained or unexplainable. "Ghost" is a word that while it has a specific meaning, actually gets used to describe any sort of unexplainable occurence whether a visable one or one that is only felt or measured by various devices (such as an EMF detector or recording devices).

Typically, most people who experience paranormal things do so because they expect to. Whenever you go into a situation with preconceived notions about what to expect, you will usually not be disappointed. The same could be said for racism or any time when you look for certain things to be there whether they are or not.

Another opinion is that there is a spiritual "parallel" world where we sometimes see things, where we get glimpses of what is happening in the spiritual realm. They visions (for lack of a better term) is usually angels and demons, though some would say that it it may be the perverbial pergatory where spirits await judgment day. You bring up a great point about how many ghosts there would be based on how many people have died.

With the millions dying at any given time and the billions throughout history, why aren't there ghosts everywhere for everyone to see? Why is it still a debatable topic? I don't think that ghosts are what we think they are.

I lean toward the angels and demons idea myself, but can conceive of the purgatory idea as well. I don't know if this answer helps you or not, but it's what I think about it all. Take care and don't forget that you will see what you expect to see.

Some people are more open to seeing the paranormal than others. There is NOTHING evil inside you, so don't worry about that! That's crazy!

I have heard of so many good people having paranormal experinces, and to say that it is because of some evil inside of you is perposterous!

I am writing this story on the behalf of an ex-co-worker of mine who I find to be very sane and credible. I was working at a solar field located close to Barstow California, in the Mojave desert. One day at work we were talking about ghosts and creepy things like that.

While we were talking about them my co-worker said yeah you guys probably won’t believe me but this place is haunted. I’m one who thinks with an open mind and also had a previous ghostly experience. He said that one day around 2 p.m.

He was checking on an area making sure that things were working right, when all the sudden he heard what sounded like coyotes yelping and howling. He said he thought to himself that it was pretty odd to hear coyotes howling and yelping around 2 p.m. And early in the morning.

Now mind you the solar plant is located 20 miles in the middle of no where. The yelping stopped, five minutes later it started again. He said he saw something out of the corner of his eye moving by the fence line, he turned his head to get a full view.

He said there they were, six fully dressed for war mounted on horseback Indians. They had war paint and everything. He said they rode the fence line for a few seconds and he heard them yell war cry’s.

They began to speed up in a charge like manner. He got scared and went to get in his truck. When he looked back they were gone.

He said another time they were washing mirrors in the summer late at night when he turned for some reason and saw a man in 1800? S clothes looking at him with respectful eyes, non-threatening. He looked away and the man was gone.

A few nights later on mirror wash he was scrubbing mirrors and took a small break. Break he saw a little girl in 1800? S clothes jumping around in a playful fashion and he could hear children laughing just as though they were playing and not wanting to hurt anyone.

He said that seeing ghosts was something he had experienced for much of his life. He told us that he got in touch with the company historian and what she told him explained everything he saw. She told him that back in the late 1800?

S on that exact same land there was a small settlement. Before I finish telling what she said, I had told him about the ancient rock art six miles north of the solar plant which was done by Native Americans, possibly Shoshone or southern Paiute. We both agreed that the whole area around there probably had some pretty strong activity.

Anyway the historian explained that one day the men left the settlement to go down to San Bernardino to buy some supplies. The trip probably would have taken possibly a full week depending on the ones traveling with wagons. And almost everyone, meaning the men that stayed there and some women and children.

He and I were working together one day a few months after he had told the story. He was standing on the bed of the truck working on the pipe and I was down on the ground waiting for him to get done so I could do my part. He stopped milling the pipe, looked behind himself and then looked down at me.

And asked what’s wrong? He asked, how did you get down there so fast? I said, laughingly, I’ve been standing here for five minutes waiting on you.

As I said that I got the chills all the sudden. I still didn’t know what he was getting at, and then he asked, you didn’t just get up here tap on my shoulder and jump down? No, I didn’t, why.

He said someone just tapped on my shoulder. I looked at him, shook my head and said with humor it’s probably our settlers just saying hi Andy. Would say hi to you and not me.

I laughed and said they did I get the chills right after I told you I’ve been here for five minutes, I asked how do you get the chills in the Mojave desert in March when it’s 75 degrees. We both laughed and that was the last I had experienced there, couple of weeks later I moved to Oklahoma. You enjoyed it.

I forgot to mention other people who worked at the power block had experienced things at night knowing they were by alone. Slamming doors, coffee pots turned off, hardhats put on the floor, and papers on the floor or moved to other side of the desk. Really great and those ghosts sound like they like attention and is very playful and respectful.

I enjoyed them, I do think that you’re speaking your mind and wasn’t making stuffs up. My name is sam raynor not douglas mckay I just use that name sometimes if you want me to reply to your comments please leave an email or some way for me to reply. I also wrote the little girl ghost that watched me if you’d like to read that.

I too had a other wordly experience. I recounted this here a couple years back and it was all entirely true. I think it’s interesting but imaginary!

LOL I can’t just make these stories they have to happen…………. Wow good story I know indan spirits can be hastile. I’m just glad that they were nice and respectful!

Went in Search for it, but cant find it, and some get so exhausted from the hike that they give up looking for it once they get to the top and don't see it…. Youve really got to be determined to find something like that. I’d like to hunt for it, but i’d have to get started early in the mourning and walk the mountain at an angle to keep from getting exhausted too quickly.

Hill straight-ways, you should walk up it sideways. I remember a lot of the scary-stories, and hunting-trip-horrors told to me by my Grandpap and his freind. Id like to hear the scary stories told to you.

Any chance you may post them here? Very good story. I loved the part about the indians, nd how they looked like they were going to war!

The story you told was very good. I love a good ghost story! I am part native american, I have been out by barstow and felt a strange feeling.

Dear Mr. McKay: I have been to Barstow before. And it can be kind of creepy out there in the desert. I live in Stockton,CA, which is very haunted.

I grew up seeing, hearing, and feeling spirits. There have been many stories of Indian burial grounds here. Eight Mile Road is built on one, and so are a few other places.

I have much respect for Native Americans, my ancestors are Choctaw. I’m curious if anyone would know what to do if you’re house is being haunted by native ghost. If so I would like to find out more information about it.

My Sister in law bought house recently that is being haunted by native spirits. Towards her family. Ka, Id suggest you contact TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society.

CG this is doug mckay is your family history by any chance from oklahoma my ancestors on my mom’s side are chickasaw . You know, one thing I don't understand is what is the deal with everything being built on indian burial grounds? Haunted out of them before they realize just where they built.

PRATIMA I think your are one who is terrified of the unknown. I don't think people like to imagine the things that are told in these stories. People take a big chance at being ridiculed and look at to be crazy by telling these stories.

I live in Barstow, CA and was born here, I’m Native American (Cherokee, Blackfeet, and Apache). Yet sadly I know of only very few spots here where Native Americans were most active here (burial grounds, ritual areas, actual living sites, etc…). Any help (honestly, and not just make up something, cause I WILL figure it out then PLEASE email me in detail so that I can try visiting those areas for spiritual purposes.

I like your ghost stories iam in to ghost stories my self. I TRULY ENJOYED YOUR STORY. YOU ARE VERY BELIEVABLE.

I’VE NEVER BEEN BRAVE ENOUGH TO TELL ANY OF MY OWN, THE TIME JUST HASN’T BEEN RIGHT. THANKS FOR THE ENTERTAINMENT. Good story, no doubt a number of these places are in remote undeneloped areas as well as industrial or otherwise utilized sites.

Don’t really know what to say,but yes by people saying its a good story they are not necessarily complimenting rather seems cynical because a story is always considered hypothetical. If at all its true then I would say it is a great narration of a peculiar activity. God bless u.

Since they hadn’t had any good sleep for about a week, nightmares every night. Four years old. Are not, go to the light, if not, then leave this place, it is not for you.

Alone, and in peace. Then to all the other rooms, he came back, running, Auntie, GEE GEE, ALL GONE! I pray I did right for them.

Never really know, May the Great Spirit Bless You and Yours, every day & night. Very interesting experience. Yes I imagine there are a lot of Indians who were buried here and there.

Some where they were killed and others in burial mounds. I grew up in a house in La. In one of the oldest cities and the neighborhood was called Inian Hills.

When I was 17 things started happening around the house. There were 9 kids, my mom and dad They all had exp. Except for 2 sisters and a brother who married and moved out.

Things always happened. Strange noises, my name being called out and things lost then showing up in front of us. After 3 years of this we moved.

Well He decided to come with us. Always seem to be wherever I went. The reason I say HE is because after moving to another house and having 2 boys, they started hearing and seeing things too.

They said they would see a shadow of a man in a cowboy hat. Which makes sense cause he could have been killed by Indians and burried on that spot. Well my mom named him Leroy so if we’d get scared we could just ask Leroy to leave us alone.

He has never done any harm, just messes with us. He is still messing with us to this day. I wish I knew for sure who it really is.

Since in this house I sometimes believe Leroy isn’t the only one. For some reason we have bad vibes in this house and we seem to fight a lot and that’s just not us. Anybody have any suggestions It seems, you or whoever are encouraging it.

Needs help to move on. May Tunksila Bless You and Your Family. I am native American and us natives always have ghost bothering us it bc we are more spirtual than other races but I believe that the ghost wanted to let the man know something or maybe even warn him of something but at least they were nice about it!

It was very nice story,well done! Very interesting stories. I too have seen heard and spoken to our spirit friends.

I have learned that there are good ones and naughty ones. I have helped people who have been haunted and had bad experiences especially with haunted houses. Ghost with respect and ask them nicely to leave just as you would an unwanted guest.

We all have a guardian angel or spirit guide and if you feel frightened or threatened for any reason, just ask for their protection. I always mentally picture myself with a pure white light around me. I do the same thing when I leave my house which I did some years ago.

Find on my return that my front door was open! Fortunately, nothing was missing and all was normal. I like to think that visualising a protective bubble around the house really worked for me.

Dumb And White. Or White And Dumb. And I Don’t Really Understand Indian Americans, I Really Just Do Not Understand Indian Americans, Then Again, I Really Don’t Understand Others Either, Probably Because I’m A Bit Too Stuck On My Anxious Concerns?

Way Too Stuck On My Own Anxious Concers, And I Don’t Really Bother, To Understand Others Around Me. No Wonder Why My Health Is A Little Bad! Is That Why My Health Is A Little Bad?

Maybe if I quit snarling and barking or barking and snarling, (i’m feeling a bit defensive lately is all) like an angry demon, (i probably do sound like some angry demon!) then my health might actually get better! Think my health would get better then? Ps: great story!

Pretty good story. Stories from my Grandpa, dad and my family has had a few experiences. Yes, I said churches.

Chief, could you tell us these scary stories here? Id love to read them since I too am native indian, Shawnee, taken from my family and not reunited. Even though Im not of your tribe, it helps to know what other natives have experienced or heard about.

There are alot of people just like me and it might help them as well. There, and you might ask how he shot himself,he was extremely drunk pretty dumb huh? Marie why did you critizise lynn for?

Demonds I feel thier anger aginst the writer and not me. Plus the scary thing is that people that can see ghosts ect. Say that they see me with an army of demonds but the weird thing is i’m not scared at all.

Iggy, could you tell us what happened to you with these ghosts? I think it would be really interesting to read about what happened to you. I worked in San Jose, CA years ago (1980s) and they were building their trolley system.

They wanted to take the parking lot of an old cannery next to the sounthern Pacific tracks and turn it into a trolley station for the new line. An old Mexican janitor at the cannery said, “Do NOT build anything there on that parking lot- do not even disturb the ground there, I’m warning you!” but the officials thought- He’s just a spupid old Mexican- what does he know? We are smart college-educated engineers.

So they started to build the trolley station. As soon as they cleared the asphalt away they knew thewy were in trouble. They found arrowheads and shell necklaces, and tule baskets.

The Contractor was supposed to halt construction but he didn’t. Then everything started to break down and go wrong. Finally they did stop construction there.

It was an Ohlone burial ground and the old janitor knew exactly what he was talking about. Maybe some otheres know even more details about this than I do. Tribe finally agreed to rebury the entire remains to another location.

Does anyone know any details about the cliff on highway 152/ Pacheco Pass, CA which is known as “Lover’s Leap”? My Dad used to always comment when we drove by there when I was a kid. Them to be married” I know there are similar stories in other locations, but I always wanted to believe this one was true.

It is a beautiful place, but still kind of creepy and sad. Another Native American ghost story my Dad used to always tell us was about “Nitchigome” the man-eating tree. I know it sounds funny now in the daytime to say it, but let me tell you, at night, around a campfire, with big dark trees all around you, you better believe we believed that Nitchigome was right out there!

He could move and only grabbed children who did not respect their parents. Could suck you right out of a sleeping bag my Dad said, and you would never be seen again. His branches would move along and get hold of anyone he wanted in the middle of the night.

Any of you ever told this one when you were little? That was very interesting stories. Joey Lobo … I heard the EXACT same story about Lover’s Leap from my Dad when I used to travel to my grandmothers house ion Dos Palos.

Find more info…so far, nothing. If you hear anything please post it…I have told the story to my kids as well. I am Italian,German,French-Canadian,Sioux and Puwatan Indian.

I live in Stockton,Ca. I used to live by Eight Mile Rd. I used to walk a lot I always noticed street lights go out once I would pass.

Stretched across the whole garage. Numerous car accidents happened there while attending high school there 15 years ago. I just had a family member pass from an car accident that happened a month ago instantly on a near by street.

Theres a farm in southern Ohio where accidents and flat tires happen all the time without explanation. Its always the same spot too. Youd have to google it to find it.

I apologize to Mr. Mckay. I haven’t been on the site since last Sep. Hopefully he will check this site again.

The family on my mom’s side (Native American) does happen to be from Oklahoma. But I don’t know which part. Seems to be that they are very sacred (alot of prayer and other things went on at these burial grounds).

I have much respect. To all those out there, no offense, I have accepted JESUS and since childhood, I have seen, felt, and heard spirits. Have had your own.

I have always heard that everyone has these senses (six senses) but some choose to not to use them. I’m native american and I see dead people and it scares me I need to learn about this to get rid of my fears . I know I shouldn’t fear them,but I don’t understand so I do.

Can anyone tell me what is going on. One friend said I’m a see’r. I don’t know?

Is crossing my back yard like a gateway also theirs some kind of water under my house and that is why I see them so much.It use to only be people I know,now it’s diffrent. PLEASE HELP ME UNDERSTAND. I live in the Mojave Desert, not too far from Barstow.

A couple of years ago we had some very bad wind storms and a small toronado. I lost my car port and half of my roof on my Mobile Home. Right after that I started having misty images appear in my bedroom at night.

My friend saw them after they formed into enities. One time it was three women and another time a woman and child. He said that they didn’t look Indian, but women from the 1800?s.

They appeared almost every night, right after the lights were turned off. Since then I have looked up the history of the Antelope Valley Mojave Desert and there was some Indian tribes in the area in the 1800? S .

Also wagon trains and stage coaches use to travel across this Desert. I don’t know if the winds disturbed some old burial site, or what. I don’t know why they came here, but it frightened me at first.

I ask them to move on and they did I think, because I haven’t seen them for a long time. I still hear knocking noises at night, but haven’t seen the misty images for a long time. I never saw them materialize into figures like my friend did, but he said that they had long hair and flowing gowns and it looked like they didn’t have any feet.

They just kind of floated. I also have Indian blood. Osage but only a quarter.

My grandmother was half and she was very physic. My Father enherited that gift from her. I think I also have that gift, but I try to avoid it, because of some bad things happened in my life after I got those feelings.

I believe in spirits and since I have seen them, I am really a believer. Correction: I’m only one eighth Osage Indian. My Father was a fourth!

On the way home from an Arizona vacation 2 yrs ago we had a strange experience on 1-40 going west. We had just passed Barstow and was headed Tehachapi- it is a long stretch of open road with open range. We drove a little bit farther and heard it again.

My husband and I stopped the car to check it out. I want to go back and check it out AGAIN! The Pacheco Pass “.

It is available on Amazon.com. Let me know what you think of it…. I am a Native American Indian (Ojibway and Cherokee) and I have seen ghosts.

They aren’t neccisarily Native American, but they look pretty modern. I was little, I was at my friends house and she has a secret room in her closet. We moved a few chairs into it and we were sitting inside it when I learned the dark history of the house.

The old owners where obsessed with death, and the entrace to the room had the words “Worship Zone” written in pencil over it. Her sisters, her, and I where playing games when we saw a dark shadow materialize. Disapeared, but I made a promise to whatever it was that I wouldnt realese what I experienced to the world.

But, now I’ve broken a promise to possibly a demon. I have a long record of what happened written down. The entity touched me and my friends repeatedly, and we got lots of chills.

But, that was a while ago. I too had an experience with a hooded figure who was tall. The energy was male and the shape of it looked rather male as well.

I suppose the name Shadow Figure could be applied to it. At the same time my gall bladder had to come out. If they took out my gall bladder the meds to heal it would cause the hole in my stomach to get alot bigger thus killing me.

So, I was sitting telling God that it was in His hands as to whatever would finally happen to me. If He wanted me to stay Hed have to make a way for this to happen. If I was to die it was in His hands as well.

Relaxed on my bed and lay my Bible down on my legs. Suddenly I became very aware that there was the energy of another person in my bedroom. I could faintly hear it moving at the foot of my bed so I opened my eyes quickly to see what this might be.

Thats when I saw this shadow man that was very tall. In my mind he asked, “If you could be healed would you accept it? “ Then thinking I shouldve answered the question I said, “Yes!

“ before the offer could be taken back. I watched as the figure bent down and touched my feet but I could only feel the energy of a person not the actual touch of something physical. Warmth began to flood up from my feet until it reached the top of my head.

Like Id not felt before. I jumped up and began jumping all over the house laughing with joy that overflowed from me. My condition couldnt have healed in one month between scans of my stomach and the scope they did on me.

The first showed that my stomach looked like the reverse image of the moon with all the scars from ulcers since I was thirteen yrs. Looked like an adult size of a brand new babys stomach. My stomach should not have looked so good for an adult.

The doctors looking at this, four of them, asked me what Id done to cause this. I asked if I could have done anything to cause this to happen. They said no I couldnt have so I said it had to be a miracle because Id prayed to be healed.

It was a great story but long.So I got a qustion did it scare u. Did you ever go back because to tell ya the truth I wouldent have. Yes, Im Shawnee by blood but was taken from my indian family to be raised as if I were white.

I haven’t been here for awhile, but I wanted to add some information about the Barstow,Ca. In our local paper, “The Antelope Valley Press” they have a daily History section. The local Indian tribes here were called Piaute.

They were taken and put on a reservation called, Ft. They were abandoned and left to starve when the soldiers left the Fort to join go fight in the Civil war. The Antelope valley.

The ghost renegade party that your friend spoke of, could have robbed and killed the white settlers in Barstow, because ofrevenge for the treatment their people got from the white soldiers. I also think their spirits roam the Desert floor looking for their families and kin. P.S. The Indian tribe that roamed the Mojave Desert was called Piute, Not piaute.

I have heard also that they have found several ancient burial sites in the Mojave Desert, which they think are Indian. A lot of them have been disturbed by developers years past, but now they are protected. “The origin of the word Paiute is unclear.

Some anthropologists have interpreted it as “Water Ute” or “True Ute.” The Northern Paiute call themselves Numa (sometimes written Numu) ; the Southern Paiute call themselves Nuwuvi. Both terms mean “the people.”

Paiute are sometimes referred to as Paviotso. Thanks Caretaker, for that information. It was very interesting!

Ppl tht don't care bout others pls see tht we all have gone through things in our life to make us the way we are today we have so much respect for our ancestors we love thm very much n it rele hurts whn pp disrespect us like tht I mean come on don't we all bleed red. Rubin – I agree with you BUT please notice that the rules say “No Profanity”. You speak of disrespect, please do not disrespect this site and the simple rules.

I came across this article as I passed through barstow this week to get gas. I left terrified with the strange presence there and have been looking at stuff regarding barstow ever since I came back today. It feels like an x-files or mothman town.

To get out of there. I thought it might have something to do with UFO testing activity there or something. WOW,,I read that your story..Whoa..Did finish saw real ghost indian person and how you communation..Did you feel touch that ghost indian?

Did you feel fear or not fear..Just you like want be know why do ghost indian come stop see u? Indian people very beaustiful and also indian are very power spirit secert…I know long old year ago about 1700..Many indian people are killed from war..Still around ghost in usa..I do believe it..I don;t know why do still ghost around in world..Very really intereting…Yes I love enjoy read your story big WOW..Might that ghost man indian very handsome? Poltergiest or Tricksters: I have read stories about Mischevious spirits that like to do tricks and scare people.

I’m not sure if anyone has experienced any of these. They claim that they are located where there is a lot of quartz rock in the area. Lot of sage in our area .

I have had such enity in my home for a long time. It loves to make noise, especially late at night. Somenights it wakes me up and keeps me awake all night.

The static electricity in the room is terrible. I read that it isn’t good to annoy them, because they can get worse, so I try to ignor it. I have also seen things in my room that look like small animals or toys.

I be concerned? Once in awhile I burn sage in the room, but I don’t know the true ritual of burning sage, but I think it helps for awhile.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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