I need a walk through on how to build business credit and get business loans (not personal). Prefer info from someone in this business?

Building A+ Business Credit (How long it takes, with references) -If your business is new, or if you haven't yet established business credit, obtaining tradelines is a great way to begin building your business credit report. How to ensure creditors and suppliers can validate your business information: Incorporate or form an LLC (Limited Liability Company) to ensure your company is seen as a separate business entity Obtain a federal Employer Identification Number Open business bank accounts in your legal business name Set up a dedicated business phone line in your business name and make sure it's listed How to Establish Business Credit Once you've completed the steps above, you can request business credit in your company name. Your business trades then are reported to Credit Reporting agencies, creating a robust business credit report that gives lenders and suppliers quality information about your company and boosts your ability to obtain loans, increase credit lines and earn more favorable credit terms.

Establish business credit with companies that report trades. Remember, not all business creditors report their trade information. How long?

Building good credit can take as little as a year from having no credit history. See video: http://www.ehow.com/video_4754974_how-long-does-build-good.html http://www.experian.com/small-business/establish-business-credit.jsp Getting A Dun & Bradstreet # -Dun and Bradstreet is a business credit reporting agency. Get a B&B # here: http://www.dnb.com/US/duns_update/ Multiple Small lines of Business Credit -These are Wells Fargo and the Small Business Administration and take advantage of favorable and flexible terms and competitive loan rates.

Https://www.wellsfargo.com/biz/loans_lines/sba/ What lenders look for. -Lenders look for Fundability. It includes several components that determine how your overall business is seen by lenders, investors, insurers, suppliers, and more.

http://www.businessfinance.com/books/BusinessCredit.pdf How to get business credit card, business gas cards, business office supply credit cards. -With the following cards you can earn points on your day to day expenses, and will usually receive itemized expense reports every quarter, which is helpful for bookkeeping and accounting. http://www.bankaholic.com/credit-cards/business/ http://www.business.com/guides/credit-card-reward-programs-and-your-business-3180/ How to improve my Paydex score.

-Keep good payment habits and make sure that all their business transactions are in good standing. It is imperative that if you have a payment due and you cannot pay on time, that you contact the vendor and make alternate arrangements before the payment is due. http://www.articlesbase.com/business-articles/what-is-a-paydex-141974.html http://www.businesscreditcardsite.com/the-role-of-paydex-score-in-building-business-credit.

Check out the vids on youtube :) then follow the instructions.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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