Identify the subject and predicate in each of the following sentences?

Identify the subject and predicate in each of the following sentences 1. The borrower acquired the hotel in 2004.2. The property is a full-service hotel.3. The property is located at One Madison.4.

The property’s metropolitan area encompasses four towns.5. Construction commenced upon loan closing.6. Upon loan closing, construction commenced.

Asked by angelzeye 46 months ago Similar questions: Identify subject predicate sentences Education & Reference.

Similar questions: Identify subject predicate sentences.

Grammar is not my strongest area, but I'll give it a shot. 1. Subject - The borrower Predicate - acquired the hotel in 2004.2.Subject - The property Predicate - is a full-service hotel.

3. Subject - The property Predicate - is located at One Madison.4. Subject - The property's metropolitan area Predicate - encompasses four towns.5.

Subject - Construction Predicate - commenced upon loan closing.6. Subject - Construction Predicate - commenced upon loan closing. Not sure about that last one.

How'd I do?.

Subjects are in blue and bold and predicates are in red and italic. I have flagged the subjects in blue and bold and predicates in red and italic. The borrower acquired the hotel in 2004.

The property is a full-service hotel. The property is located at One Madison. The property’s metropolitan area encompasses four towns.

Construction commenced upon loan closing. Upon loan closing, construction commenced. Hope this helps.(Am I doing your homework for you?) Sources: Personal and professional experience tekriter's Recommendations The Deluxe Transitive Vampire: A Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager and the Doomed Amazon List Price: $23.95 Used from: $6.79 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 32 reviews) The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition Amazon List Price: $15.95 Used from: $6.78 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 358 reviews) .

Here's how I see it. 1. Subject: The borrower.

Predicate: acquired the hotel in 2004.2. Subject: The property. Predicate: is a full-service hotel.3. Subject: The property.

Predicate: is located at One Madison4. Subject: THE property's metropolitan area. Predicate: encompasses five towns.5.

Subject: Construction. Predicate: commenced upon loan closing.6. Subject: construction.

Predicate: commenced. "Upon loan closing" is a clause that modifies the subject. This is how a website from the University of Ottawa defines subject and predicate:Subject and Predicate: Every complete sentence contains two parts: a subject and a predicate.

The subject is what (or whom) the sentence is about, while the predicate tells something about the subject. I've included the link because I think that some of their examples are interesting. Sources: .

Five sentences about the role of education in successful financial planning using different verb tenses" "I'd like to identify the higher education schools in MA that are actually closed for a "holiday break" (Xmas-New Year's)" "Identify the independent and dependent clauses in the sentences below" "what is the predicate in this sentence This is Sally's second cookie. " "write 5 sentences about the role of education in successful financial planning, in which you correctly use a different.

Five sentences about the role of education in successful financial planning using different verb tenses.

I'd like to identify the higher education schools in MA that are actually closed for a "holiday break" (Xmas-New Year's).

Identify the independent and dependent clauses in the sentences below.

What is the predicate in this sentence This is Sally's second cookie.

Write 5 sentences about the role of education in successful financial planning, in which you correctly use a different.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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