If Barack Obama was the Republican candidate, would you have voted for him?

No. Don't agree with his views. Didn't care for McCain either.

I'm becoming more jaded about the whole process. It seems to be a matter of which party will screw us less. Term limits for Congress!

Our government is a runaway train no matter who holds power.

Absolutely not. I look at the candidate's views, not their 'charisma', or skin color. I'm from Chicago and very familiar with Obama's politics...

Probably..... I don't typically vote based on "the party". The Candidate's views are what is important. Unfortunately, if a Candidate does not agree with "the party" they usually do not get its support.... and so typically don't get elected, or re-elected....... Joe Lieberman is the only recent exception to that rule, but we could use some more "independent" thinking.

I vote for the best candidate and in this election he was the best selection whatever his party was.

Absolutely not. There is one thing that has not been in question regarding the President. I don't share them.

I couldn't vote for McCain. He is a career polititician. The only vote I could give him was one of "no confidence", I wouldn't vote for the Obama Cadidacy because he leans to far to the left for my political taste.

I don't believe his views would change with political affiliation. If they did, would you trust him? I wouldn't.

He'd be the leftist, most liberal republican I'd ever have known. S policies are what are important. S policies do not follow my ideology.So, even if he wore the banner he still would not get my vote.

It is entirely a matter of his stance on the issues and his experience . I personally was very unhappy with his choice of associates, Rev. Wright, etc.S party affiliation meant little to me.

Not unless he changed his views on...everything.

No, I would not have voted for him no matter which party he was with.

Absolutely not...his party was not an issue....his outlook on the issues facing the country along with the company he kept were the two top reasons...his inexperience was the next reason on the list.

If Obama were a Republican, I have to assume that his entire political platform and ideology would be reversed. He isn't. They aren't.

My answer is a resounding no. For the sake of honesty, let me also point out that we all have the advantage of hindsight here.

I don't care if Obama was a republican or a democrat, but I do care about where he stands on the issues. He's to far left on most issues and therefore I would not have voted for him. He's wasting time making a decision on more troops for the war while our young men and women are being killed and then on the other hand he's trying to rush government ran health care down our throats without the American people having time to read what in the bill.

I would think its more important to provide our military with everything it needs or bring them all home now! As Sarah Palin and Clinton said during the campaign, Obama does not have the experience to be president.

I don't have to agree or disagree with anything he believes to answer this. No. I would not.

I don't see any point in calling yourself a bird if you admittedly swim everywhere. Anyone that inconsistent doesn't need to be president of anything.

No, not if he used words like redistribution of wealth. No, not if he was cagey about his past. No, not if he said one thing then did another.No, not if he had the same questionable ties and friendship.

No, not if he still had 'progressive' plans. No, not if he went around the world apologizing for America being great.No, not if he promoted government running private enterprise. No, not if I thought someone with an un-American agenda was promoting him.

If he had good fiscal conservative ideas I would.

If he pushed the same agenda as he is now.. no I wouldnt.

I did not vote for him and I am a democrat, I wouldn't have voted for him if he was the republican candidate. I hope this is honest enough.

I wouldn't vote for him no matter what party he belonged to. He has done nothing but make the goverment bigger and less productive. He is so far off the mark I' m not sure we will ever recover from his blunders.

The Federal goverment should never used taxpayers money to bail the banks and the automotive industry out of hot water, that's not what our tax dollars are ment for! What should have happened was they should have taken all the assets of the executives that put these industries in this position and sold them and put the money back into them, then losck the Basterds up for fraud. Now all we have to show for all the spending he has done is more debt, fewer jobs, and a real vulnarablity from other terriost ran countrys.

I think when the people of the United States voted him in they were desperate for change but didn't really listen to what he was saying and read between the lines to see he is not for democrocy but wants the goverment to have the power to dictate what people think, act and say. Personally I think he will destroy everything the United States stands for and the soldiers from all the past wars, from day one of the birth of the country have died for. As far as the race cardI wouldn't care if he was green with yellow dots.

The only one I hear playing the race card is his own party everytime someone doesn't agree with his policies.

Yes I would have. I think he would have brought a lot to the table if he was conservative.

I would have voted for him if he stood for core conservative values. I don't vote the party, just the person and how he/she projects their beliefs and their direction they want for our country.

Definatley NOT! I look into voting records first, follwed by published comments then thier associations. President Obama said, " Judge me from the people I surround myself with".

Well, Wall Streeter, Washington insiders, lwayers, political machinery, racist, ect....Follow our president on this week by week tracker and see if Obama The Candidate is Obama the President. Www.nachumlist.com.

Absolutely, positively NO NO NO NEVER EVER NO! I do not support his HUGE government policies and his government's attempts to further infringe upon my freedoms.

Not if he ran on the same platform as he did. If his views had been more along the lines of Colin Powell who was more in the middle on major issues Possibly but not with his current stance on the issues. If anyone running would have been more towards the middle and actually had a chance of winning they would have gotten my vote over the two major party candidates we had.

NO! You see I do believe in what my mother always told me. Never judge a man by what he says but what he has done!

Birds of a feather flock togetherYour friends and the people you surround yourself with, tell everyonewho you are really. The sayings are as true today as they have always been.

When I vote it has nothing to do with being a Democrat or Republican. I voted for llary Clinton because I thought she would have made a better President, so happened she's a Democrat too. I vote based on who I think will do the best job for the country and the American people..

Nope. S popularity was so skewed by the main stream media. I wonder what the NBC or CNN would have done if Mccain or Palin had a Reverend Wright who said racist things?

Hmm it would have been a nightmare for them. The main stream media hardly mentioned it or asked questions about it.

NO! I truly feel he lacks the experience needed to lead this country. I don't care about his color; we can't base our decisions on race and making history!

Here is the best way to describe what he is doing to our country; "if I have a large hole in my front yard I would not hire someone to come and fix it with a shovel to dig it deeper"! This is what he is doing, the deficit keeps growing and along with it; unemployment. People were so caught up in the moment that they made a very bad decision and now they have a little over three years to live with that mistake.

No. S agenda would never have been approved by the Republican party.

Without a certifiable birth certificate and having been deeply intwined with Acorn I would give that a resounding NO!

If Barack Obama were for lower taxes, less government, producing our own domestic oil, and took the war in Afghanistan seriously;then yea, I would have voted for him. Unfortunately, he's proven himself to be nothing but a slick-talking, left-wing socialists, who's managed to fool a lot of ignorant people in this country with his mouth.

With what platform. I assume you would mean the same platform he has now. If not, this is not a good question.

Either this needs to be made more clear, or T_Augustus needs to look at the issues a little closer on this questionWith his platform, he would never make it past the primary. We do not hate Barry, nor are we racist against him. We hate his platform and what he is doing to the country - i.e.

Socialism and bankrupting the country with his spending.

Bullshit. I would of voted for Powell. But not for some guy I never heard of.

How many different ways are you gonna play the race card? Don't you ever tire of it? Your boy is in, enjoy it while you can.

Yes Absolutly, I would love to have a Black Conservative President. The country I came from you didn't have to specifiy what color you were, so I am not a color I am a person like everyone else. All I want is someone who is honest with integrity.

The reason I said I would vote for a Black President is because you would not have asked the question if he was white. REF.

I don't rightly know because I am democrat and proud of it. So, if he switched teams, I would probably think he has a hidden agenda as do most Republicans...so NO.

Not if he was a typical Republican with no ideas and nothing to offer. I supported Obama because I liked his frankness and I found his optimism refreshing. He made an inspiring candidate, and although I had doubts about whether or not he was up to the task, he eventually seemed to be able to come up with answers that changed my mind about that.

There was absolutely nothing inspiring about John McCain and I was especially unimpressed with his choosing Sarah Palin for VP. Not exactly a confidence-builder to see him pick someone barely more qualified than me to be a heartbeat from the presidency. Also, Obama offered a new approach instead of the same tired, old crap that hasn't been working for the previous eight years.

All McCain had to offer was a continuation of failed practices. Obama's race had nothing to do with my choice. I am white and living in the great red state of Georgia and consider myself to be independent.

I have supported republicans at times and would do so again if there was any sign that they might have a new idea in the next decade.

My answer would depend on his platform and that of his Democrat opponent although I'm a Democrat who rarely crosses party lines, especially in national elections. It's hard to conceive of Obama running as a Republican. He'd have to have a brain transplant.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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