If Muslim religion is peaceful, why are there so much violence in countries where government is run by Islam?

And please don't mistake a question for racism, its a heated discussion I heard at starbucks and it made me grateful I wasn't asked... Asked by besnuff 7 months ago Similar questions: Muslim religion peaceful violence countries government run Islam Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: Muslim religion peaceful violence countries government run Islam.

Religion kills. It always has and always will. People take religion far too seriously.

They hold their own particular understanding of it to be far more important than whatever message it might actually consider sacred, like the desire for peace, which they all claim to have, despite their murderous histories.

There has been violence and killing without religion, some use religion as a reason to kill. If the world had no religion, man would still wage war for territory anyways. Besnuff 7 months ago .

From what I've heard, it isn't about religion, it's about the price of food increasing and people not having jobs and the very few getting more and more wealthy while others are getting poorer. Anyways, where there are dictators there will be unrest and life based on repression and fear. Some peoples get tired of that and revolt, some do so with success or with another failure to oust a corrupt ruler.

Just my opinion.

Thanks, I often wondered what life is like for them. Besnuff 7 months ago .

There was an art display called "Piss Christ" where a depiction of Christ was put into a jar of urine and nothing happened. People burn the Bible and nothing happens. The Virgin Mary was depicted in an art exhibit smeared with elephant dung and surrounded by pornography and nothing happend.

There was a movie made depicting Jesus as gay and nothing happened. A joke is made about Muhammed and people are murdered. A Koran is burned and people are killed.

A Muslim woman posed nude in a magazine and she has received thousands of death threats. Salmon Rushdie wrote a book and a million dollar bounty was put on his head and he had to go into hiding. Women are stoned to death by Muslims for alleged adultery.

A 14 year old girl was recently stoned to death by Muslims after being raped. Terrorist acts around the world are carried out by Muslims. A Muslim are trying to blow up airplanes, blow up buildings, kill thousands off people at a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Or.

Can anyone give me examples of anyone from any other religion doing those things in recent history. (And don't go back hundreds or thousands of years)The fact is that the vast majority of Muslims in the world are not terrorists but the vast majority of terrorists in the world are Muslims. Muhammed was not a peacemaker, he was a warrior who wanted Islam to conquer the world through violence if necessary.So this religion of peace crap isn't flying for anyone but the liberals wracked with self guilt.

And don't forget that the a_holeswho caused 9-11 were Muslim as well. We shouldn't think all Muslims are terrorists bu t we shouldn't pretend that the Muslim terrorists are not Muslim terrorists because that is exactly what they are.

No Abrahamic religion is peaceful. Not one.

Its a matter of opinion. Sometimes a religion has to fight to survive from other religions wiping them off the face of the earth...no country for that matter has been peaceful too. One country killed 6 million of Jews in a small time frame...no country has been built on peace without shedding blood.

Besnuff 7 months ago .

At the time of the first crusade, Islam allowed all religions to coexist in Jerusalem and they were culturally much more advanced than Western Europe. They had to fight to survive. We've moved on, many of them have not and now both extremist groups are engaging in a religions mania.In fact, I think there's a extremist religious trend in Judaism right now.

This happens sporadically throughout history and usually sets us back centuries.

Getting off topic, Judaism is the smallest of religious population. Through out history from slaves to sojourners, then finally a state after another attempt to wipe them out. Still, they have yet to strap bombs in the name of Hashem.

Despite all views of them, they are a people of peace. Like any foreign country, they will retaliate militarily after push becomes shove. Do you think a Muslim country would allow a major synagogue in their holy city?

Israel does, among other persecuting religions. Christianity with its crusading past, still doesn't go around towns and pursue ethnic cleansing. India, Pakistan...all other religions...Korea, china...they have other issues of civil rights and religious freedoms, but they don't make the six oclock news that they just blew up another mosque.

I don't always agree with *Direct_male...but his quote The fact is that the vast majority of Muslims in the world are not terrorists but the vast majority of terrorists in the world are Muslims. Made me wide eye...I never heard it put that way before, and it is something I am now going to study on...domestic and international terrorism and see for myself if he is right. Besnuff 7 months ago .

Think Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and ethnic cleansing.

1992:Feb 29-March 1 - Bosnia's Muslims and Croats vote for independence in referendum boycotted by Serbs. April 6 - European Union recognizes Bosnia's independence. War breaks out and Serbs, under the leadership of Radovan Karadzic, lay siege to capital Sarajevo.

They occupy 70 percent of the country, murdering and persecuting Muslims and Croats to carve out a Serb Republic. May - U.N. Sanctions imposed on Serbia for backing rebel Serbs in Croatia and Bosnia.1993:http://www.reuters.com/article/2008/07/21/idUSL216444641995:July 11 - Bosnian Serbs troops, under the command of General Ratko Mladic, capture the eastern enclave and U.N."safe area" of Srebrenica, killing over 8,000 Muslim males in the following week. The U.N. War crimes tribunal in The Hague indicts Karadzic and Mladic for genocide for the siege of Sarajevo."The women knew the rapes would begin when 'Mars na Drinu' was played over the loudspeaker of the main mosque.

('Mars na Drinu,' or 'March on the Drina', is reportedly a former Chetnik fighting song that was banned during the Tito years. ) While 'Mars na Drinu' was playing, the women were ordered to strip and soldiers entered the homes taking the ones they wanted. The age of women taken ranged from 12 to 60.

Frequently the soldiers would seek out mother and daughter combinations. Many of the women were severely beaten during the rapes."– Seventh Report on War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia: Part II , US submission of information to the United Nations Security Council com/article/2008/07/21/idUSL21644464.

There is a lot of violence here, in this country. What religion is the prevelant one really has nothing to do with violence. We have tons of violence against women, horrible acts of violence comitted against children, and attacks on others based solely on religion.

You sure do hear a lot of heated arguements at your starbucks! And always such hot button topics.

All I went for was for the birthday cake ball pops...and a non fat no whip caramel machiato. Couldn't help the ease dropping on their loud conversation, but must admit it was getting good, but had to leave eventualy, and since I wasn't in that conversation. Besnuff 7 months ago .

Ps don't know why but people like to hang out here in cafe's and discuss whatever makes them feel important..you should hear the discussions about bullets and guns besnuff 7 months ago .

Wow. The only thing I ever hear in starbucks is bitching about the cost of stuff....I feel old! .

Lol...I was at a bookstore once and two guys were arguing about hunting with a crossbow versus a riffle, and going back and forth about keeping the population down of baors or deer, and feeding game to other countries so its really a sport...on and on.. Texas is fun, really. This is the model of life : "Keep Austin Weird" besnuff 7 months ago .

The teacher comes and brings a message of love, tolerance, and compassion. Then overzealous followers seize control after the teacher's death and f^ck it all up. Buddhism has some very noble and peace loving qualities as do certain sects of Christianity and Islam.

Unfortunately bad news travels fast and no news is good news.

Short but sweet answer. I never really heard of violence from Buddism, interesting perspective thank you for sharing. Besnuff 7 months ago .

Whalid Shoebat is a very good speaker on this topic. He's an ex-Moslem, current Christian, who has some very good points on answering this question. And he would know.Be/GtquNNEO7Fw.

Wow, very interesting besnuff 7 months ago .

I don't normally start spelling flames, but in this case, your spelling, (assuming that English is your first language) and some peculiarities in your question, indicate that you may really want to educate yourself beyond Starbucks and Fox news. I am part Israeli, so I have a stake in this discussion. During the last millennium and a half, Jews have been migrating from the Christian world into the Muslim one - not by an accident.

Treatment of minorities (and women) by Muslims has been far better than by Christians. Does this bear any relevance to you at all today, when you judge Islam? What is happening to Islamic countries this century is a very long story.It's not like in your sensationalist media which only finds it newsworthy when a man bites a dog and not v.v.

, but you do have a point. Long story short, most Muslim societies are sick. Almost any Muslim will acknowledge that.

Can a society go undergo a crisis on any given century without its religion taking the blame? Even so, I'd be interested to know where there is more violence against women,on the West or the East. But I think I know the answer.

English is my second language my friend, and I am not sure what "part Israeli" means. I can assure you I am not afraid to walk in the streets here in texas without a man escorting me or to not have my body covered to my eyeballs in fear of stoning. West has its flaws, but east has its martyrs.

Besnuff 7 months ago .

I don't normally start spelling flames, but in this case, your spelling, (assuming that English is your first language) and some peculiarities in your question, indicate that you may really want to educate yourself beyond Starbucks and Fox news. I have no idea what you mean by this, first of all this is not a thesis, and I don't particularly watch fox, more like cnn...which doesn't matter. Last I checked this site is a public opinion and Q&A ...more like a Dear Abby than the New York Times.

Besnuff 7 months ago .

Like I said, if English is your second language, you get a free pass and I apologize. It's impressive that you are bilingual as it is. English is my 3rd language by the way, Hebrew being the second.So just to make sure I got it right.. you believe that if you walk on the street in any Muslim country not covered up to your eyeballs, you'll be stoned?

Did I understand you correctly? .

Can anyone give me examples of anyone from any other religion doing those things in recent history. (And don't go back hundreds or thousands of years)" Sure. Stalin.

USA and USSR nearly destroying the planet altogether, and the last word is not said yet. China. Cambodia.

Or, if you want to focus solely on non-conventional warfare, it seems that there are more terror acts committed in the US by non-Muslims than by Muslims deepikascorner.wordpress.com/2011/03/11/... of non-Muslim terrorists abroad, too. Japanese, Sikh, Tamil, Latin American, you name it. And yes, there were even Jewish terrorists, too.

Beecos, as a MOT, I was hoping you'd know more. Com/2011/03/11/domestic-terrorism-study-shows-more-non-muslim-terrorists-in-u-s.

When we understand the concept that humanity is by and large 'mad' it does not come as a surprise that both politics and religion sail close to the wind, however Plato 'and many other sages' bring the good news, that the Soul is immortal and that this world is not the 'Ultimate Reality', the dull brain and the five senses only see about one tenth of the Light Spectrum. Play some Motzart and forget them. Blessings .

Well, if you go back to the Middle Ages in Europe, when the Christian churches ruled supreme, there was just as much violence and hatred. It matters not, which religion rules a government. The results are the same: hatred and violence towards non-believers, and (what they consider) heretics and believers who go astray.

The best bet to avoid this is to have a non-religious government. I am not saying an atheist one, but one who acknowledges all faiths as equal. This way, the government will not persecute anyone for their faith, faiths or lack there of.It is for the religious organizations themselves, not government, to exact punishment towards those who they deem wrong, within the laws of the land.

In Canada, that usually means strong believers of a certain faith, are to ether recruit (aka convert) non-believers or to politely ignore non-believers. That, or if you are an evangelical believer, recite with violence then blame it on the non-believer.In any case, faiths that try to influence government are a danger to that society, nomatter the faith and nomatter the government.

Great question. Do you want a society that treats women as bad as the Muslims do? .

I only know a few muslim women, I would not want to trade places with them. I have enough issues as it is. I believe that we shouldnt live lawlessness, but in an acceptable order, just not at the cost of human dignities.

Besnuff 7 months ago .

Most islamist are peaceful since they are Sunni. It is almost always the war-like Shi'ia who commit gratuitous carnage and wonton destruction. We need to know, at least, a little about the people we readily condemn.

This is unlikely since it requires…reading. In future, if you meet a Moslem and he/she is not trying to stab you, try to find the largess to treat them as equals since they no doubt speak more languages than you do. Do the math.

Very funny, speaking more languages than a person has no bearing in this discussion. I treat all people as equal...a few years ago a family from Pakistan joined us at a Sukkot gathering, their daughter in law (Jew) married their son/brother who is muslim...they left their table to sit with us because they felt more comfortable...we spent all night till early morning hours laughing sharing life stories...and I loved their honesty that our friend the (Jew) would be killed back home. We didn't treat them different or acted crazy ...we understand that this is life, but both families sat together at this Jewish mitzvah to have peace and share a meal as a guest and not once did we hold what they said against them.

Besnuff 7 months ago .

I stand corrected. I should have been more specific and said...we, as a nation, need to give strangers more credit until they prove otherwise.

Like a mind religion or" "Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean? " "was islam the first religion?

" "Is there a religion for me?" "I am taking a poll on this question, "What is the difference between spirituality and religion? "" (10 answers) "Spiritually speaking, there doesn't seem to be a lot of activity in the Religion & Spirituality section, does there? " "Your 'Change category' does not work.

You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality. '" "When did the first country exist that kept religion and government seperate, and for how long was it around? " ""Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it." comments?

" (10 answers) "Do You Agree, or Disagree? And why?"Islam has never learned how to be a religion, it's a tyranny by its very nature.

Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean?

Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality.

Religion is for people who are scared of hell, and spirituality is for people who have been through it. " comments? " (10 answers).

"Islam has never learned how to be a religion, it's a tyranny by its very nature.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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