Because the 400,000 figure was a complete and total fabricated bloviated typical LIE: Researcher: Pipeline jobs claim overstated LINCOLN — A researcher from Cornell University told state lawmakers Tuesday that TransCanada has exaggerated the number of jobs its Keystone XL pipeline will create. Lara Skinner of the Cornell Global Labor Institute said she was unable to verify TransCanada's advertised claims that 20,000 direct construction and manufacturing jobs would be created by the 1,700-mile-long pipeline, which would carry oil from Canada's tar-sands region to U.S. Gulf Coast refineries. Skinner said utilizing figures the company submitted to the State Department suggests that 2,500 to 4,600 jobs would be created during the two years of construction.
And there are indications that TransCanada will obtain half of its 36-inch pipe from overseas, thus calling into doubt the 7,000 manufacturing jobs the project will create. "Their claims are unsubstantiated and misleading," she told members of two committees of the Nebraska Legislature. Part of the exaggeration is due to the use of "job years" to describe the jobs created, Skinner said.
That means that one job that lasts two years — the expected span of construction for the pipeline — is counted as two job years.
Because this permit decision could affect the health and safety of the American people as well as the environment, and because a number of concerns have been raised through a public process, we should take the time to ensure that all questions are properly addressed and all the potential impacts are properly understood. The final decision should be guided by an open, transparent process that is informed by the best available science and the voices of the American people." -Obama This is the only president in history that has had the courage to stand up to big oil and boldly say "No." -and this move is not helping him win votes and especially among Republicans who always think linearly that "jobs" is more important than the environment or safety issues. What they don't realize is that by putting on the brakes to the oil industry, there are jobs being created to find, develop and implement alternative sources of cleaner energy.
He is not playing politics; he is doing the right thing for this country. Someday, you might even thank him.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.