Similar questions: person anytime history call advice listen told.
HEY JACK, DON'T GO TO DALLAS! I think this country started going off the rails with JFK's assassination. A disconnect between the people and their government started at that time, and it's only gotten worse over time.
This event had world-altering effects. I firmly believe that had he not been killed, this would be a far different, and better, country today (not necessarily because of him directly, but because of the sequence of events from then to now. ) Video This is a Zapruder film closeup, and it's rather graphic for the more fainthearted out there..
Yeah, I would advise him to love his fellow man and spend his life helping others! .
Thomas Jefferson I’d like to inform him about what’s happening to the constitution today - how revisionists are reinterpreting and even changing the very nature of his words by repetition of lies. Advise him like an attorney on how to cover his his ass like a modern attorney would. Perhaps we could have avoided everything from the Civil War to womens suffrage, all the way to the current issues of corporate rule and fundy attacks on separation of church and state.
I think he'd be a good choice because there's a good possibility he'd listen. He was an intelligent, well read individual; the type Americans don't feel comfortable with any more. Talking to some asshole like tler or Stalin would be like banging your head against a wall - useless to talk to zealots and hatemongers and crazy people; they're getting too much of a personal reward from the negativity.
I just don't like the limitations of a phone call. I'd like to get his physical butt in the room and have him read and observe - expose him to images, films, publications, you name it. Let him learn from the facts.
Sources: my opinion .
Julius Caesar And I’d want that phone call to take place on the morning of the Ides of March. My advice would be simple: "Jules baby, don’t go to the Senate today - some people you trust have knives and they’re going to do you in. Take the day off or arm yourself and surround yourself with guards armed to the teeth."
Why? Good question. Caesar was popular with the people and he was accomplishing a great deal to make Rome even stronger than it was.
And let’s not forget, his adopted son, Augustus, wasn’t ready to assume the mantle of leadership and had to spend years fighting in the field before he would be accepted. In the interim, there was a great deal of strife, conflict and civil war which resulted in a lot of needless death. All of that could have been avoided if Caesar hadn’t gone to the Forum (Senate) that day and it would be interesting to see what the history of the world might have been like had he lived.
Of course, none of us might have ever been born, but it would still be interesting to find out. "Don’t go Julius - don’t go man! " Sources: Just my opinions OldppieHatesNewAV's Recommendations Caesar: Politician and Statesman Amazon List Price: $23.50 Used from: $4.00 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 7 reviews) Julius Caesar Amazon List Price: $14.98 Used from: $7.56 Average Customer Rating: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 24 reviews) For the true die-hard Julius Caesar fan.
The movie is quite good, by the way! .
If they had to do what I said... If you're saying that they would do whatever I said, I'd have to say I would not like talking to him, but since he is the one person in history who single handedly caused the most damage, he is the one I would most want to tell to stop doing what they did .
Trying to find this book about Hawaiian love story and time travel. It was well written. It told the history of native" "In your opinion which person in human history has made the most lasting impression and why?" "how do I check history of omputer even if the person deleted the history" "A kid told me that if you trace your family history everyone will find that they are related to someone famous" "If one of your parents was to be famous person from any time in history, who would you want them to be?
" "can I access my recent call history online/incoming calls" "I want a recommendation for a good, readable, general history of the US for a non-US person. " "A story of the World in 100 Objects. BBC Radio 4, listen online.
I enjoyed it. Perhaps you might?" "If you were to have one famous person alive or from history stranded with you on an island forevermore," "What would you like to be known for if/when you go down in history?
Trying to find this book about Hawaiian love story and time travel. It was well written. It told the history of native.
How do I check history of omputer even if the person deleted the history.
A kid told me that if you trace your family history everyone will find that they are related to someone famous.
Can I access my recent call history online/incoming calls.
I want a recommendation for a good, readable, general history of the US for a non-US person.
A story of the World in 100 Objects. BBC Radio 4, listen online. I enjoyed it.
Perhaps you might?
If you were to have one famous person alive or from history stranded with you on an island forevermore.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.