You could try taking two extra-strength Tylenol caplets, and applying pressure to the part of the face where the pain is.
Garlic oil and salt water for infection, tea bags placed on the area for pain and swelling. If the pain is bad, you can take acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but avoid this if the tea bag brings the pain to a manageable level, as any kind of medication can cause dependency. Then save your money until you can have it removed.My father has horror stories about not having his wisdom teeth removed...essentially they rotted under the gums and spread infection to the nearby teeth, necessitating removal of nearly all the back teeth.
Well, in my case I have the same problem and am refusing dental treatment because I object to antibiotics that contain aspartame or are likely to make you ill anyway. I have a cavity in a wisdom tooth that is very sensitive and I do not eat on that side now. I also have some loose teeth.
The dentist I saw wanted me to have 14 extractions including all wisdom teeth and expected me to take an antibiotic containing aspartame. I refused and had to sign a waiver. I am using colloidal silver, hydrogen peroxide and tea tree oil to keep infection and inflammation down but it is nowhere near an ideal situation and I sympathise with anyone faced with this problem.
Find the money or borrow it. This happened to me a few years back and the pain was terrible because I waited to long. Or if you are close to the border drive to Mexico it costs 25$ to get a tooth pulled...
Find the money. You do not want to end up at ER as my cousin. As other person say before, Go to a Dental Medicine School, which cost are lower.IT's a good option.
Check with your local health department. Often times they will fix and pull teeth for free so long as you qualify. Even if you make more than you should the co pay is extremely small.
Usually I take nemisil . Nimesil (Nimesulide) provides anti, analgesic, and ANTIPYRETIC antiagregantnoe effect.
Dental schools also have free or low cost clinics. Talk to a local dentist about setting up a reasonable payment plan.
Go to your nearest Emergency Room. This is America and no one should be turned down for medical care because they do not have the money. Then see about getting in a lowcost insurance plan like Famis that caters to people of low incomes.
First see if brushing, flossing and rinsing with salt water will work. It WILL hurt to brush and floss, but wisdom teeth often have a flap of gum, that lets foods get in. Even the tiniest piece can cause you bad pain, due to irritation.
If this does not help then I would say to find a dentist. You should find different local charities to go to. I would say call the red cross.
They may not do wisdom teeth but they can direct you to someone who may. Also, I went to Affordable Dentures. They may have a location near you.
They do more than dentures and are very cheap. Www. Affordabledentures.
ComIbprofuen is a good idea, as there is probably swelling and it has a ingredient in it that reduces swelling. But you should still get it checked, if it is not clearing up. Your wisdom tooth could be impacted or infected.
If it is infected you could get an abcess, which could cause the infection to spread elsewhere and become life threatening.
Find a local free clinic( my community has a clinc called The good sameritan clinic). If you have health insurance go to your primary care physician-sometimes dental work can be covered under your regular health plan (if it is billed correctly) if all else fails go to the emergency room-A doctor will perscribe an anti iotic if needed and a pain med-ask to see a social worker while your'e there-they will help you get help for dental work if you qualify financially.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.