I'm a 21 year old female college student who is looking for a willing couple to financially "adopt" me. Where do I start If you think this sounds crazy/selfish/lazy let me explain. I'm one of five children and finishing up my last year in college.
I would love to travel, volunteer my time, do something meaningful with myself rather than jump into a serious career. But like everyone, I don't have enough money. I'm taking a chance and trying to reach any people out there who want to do something useful with their money.
I don't need a place to live, I have a couple jobs and am a pretty much your average college student. I'm in a great relationship and have a decent relationship with my parents. If you know anyone, or if you yourself have no children or grandchildren, but are looking for a family-like relationship with someone who would greatly appreciate help with college loans and traveling (even a traveling partner) I would love to be that person.To some this might sound like a scam, but I'm my honest self.
I'm fun and full of life, I love adventure. I'm a great friend and I love to learn. Asked by paixandlove 44 months ago Similar questions: 21 year female college student couple financially adopt start Lifestyle > Relationships.
Similar questions: 21 year female college student couple financially adopt start.
Well, tempting as it may be... I'm going to have to decline. I have 3 kids, ages 26, 24, and 22. My youngest is graduating in May from the same state university that my other 2 kids graduated from.
Three years ago, all of them were at the same university, at the same time. How is that for good planning on my part? So if you do the math, I have been paying college costs for either l, 2, or 3 kids at any given time over the last 8 years.
I believe they have a hall in one of the dorms named after us. (Our orthodontist also has a plaque on his wall thanking me for the $$ to renovate his new office. ) So as you can probably guess, I am not going to stand in line to help you.My kids each have about $11K in school loans that we are going to be helping them with now that we have all three through school.
We did the best we could to keep their school loan totals to a minimum, but want to help them to pay these off more quickly as we can. I did some extensive traveling on a wealthy person's dime as a private duty nurse for many years.My client had more zeroes on his yearly income than I know how to count. Since he needed a nurse when he traveled, I went too, and got paid an hourly rate, as well as being able to tag along for some pretty awesome trips.
You don't mention what your degree is in but I think you better find a good job and earn your own money to travel. Sometimes a situation like mine falls in your lap, but it's unusual and I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for someone to finance your travels. Still, it does happen, so do your homework and maybe you can find some way to travel and work at the same time.
But I'm guessing you better start putting the finishing touches to your resume. Kyasi's Recommendations The Money Tree Amazon List Price: $34.95 Try planting one of these in your back yard! .
1 Do what my brother did: he wanted to travel all over the US for a year after college so he did. He stopped periodically to get a job as either the musician in a bar or restaurant, or a a bar back or busboy. Once the coffers were refilled, off he went again.
Or do what I did: work like crazy for 6 months, saving every penny, then travel and volunteer for 6 months. Or do what others have done: get a job that involves traveling and helping people and do it for a year or two until it isn't fun any longer or until you have decided it is time for the career. Or join the Peace Corps or some other helpful organization.
Any of these options will stand you in better stead on a resume than getting someone to support you like that.
Do what my brother did: he wanted to travel all over the US for a year after college so he did. He stopped periodically to get a job as either the musician in a bar or restaurant, or a a bar back or busboy. Once the coffers were refilled, off he went again.
Or do what I did: work like crazy for 6 months, saving every penny, then travel and volunteer for 6 months. Or do what others have done: get a job that involves traveling and helping people and do it for a year or two until it isn't fun any longer or until you have decided it is time for the career. Or join the Peace Corps or some other helpful organization.
Any of these options will stand you in better stead on a resume than getting someone to support you like that.
2 There are dozens of great organizations out there that pay a living wage. Partners in Health does all sorts of great international stuff, and there's good opportunity to use that fancy degree to teach in inner city schools right here in the U.S. For a year or two. There are a thousand fantastic opportunities that all pay enough to feed you, clothe you, house you, and pay interest on your loans.It'd be awfully great if you found a traveling partner to go out and do good with through this post.
It's unlikely, but it'd be nifty. And I suppose it's possible. However, it'd be an act of divine Providence if you found a rich family ready to fund you.
That one just isn't going to happen.
There are dozens of great organizations out there that pay a living wage. Partners in Health does all sorts of great international stuff, and there's good opportunity to use that fancy degree to teach in inner city schools right here in the U.S. For a year or two. There are a thousand fantastic opportunities that all pay enough to feed you, clothe you, house you, and pay interest on your loans.It'd be awfully great if you found a traveling partner to go out and do good with through this post.
It's unlikely, but it'd be nifty. And I suppose it's possible. However, it'd be an act of divine Providence if you found a rich family ready to fund you.
That one just isn't going to happen.
3 Let me know how this works for you. I might want to put myself up for adoption, too. I have a mortgage I'd love to pay down, and I'm a lot older than you and still haven't traveled.
I suppose if I was younger and not married, and wanted to travel, I'd consider The Peace Corps, as Darwin suggested, or maybe working on a cruise ship. May I ask what the adoptive "parents" will get, aside from the joy of knowing you, which I'm assuming you typically don't charge for? Are you going to help them, when their assets run low and they need assistance or a caregiver?
Are you going to offer to help drive them, bring them groceries, visit them on Sundays when they can't get out any longer? Take them to doctor appointments and pick up their prescriptions and listen to them with patience, when they forget that they already called you once today and told you what Oprah said? Have you thought about that side of things?
Let me know how this works for you. I might want to put myself up for adoption, too. I have a mortgage I'd love to pay down, and I'm a lot older than you and still haven't traveled.
I suppose if I was younger and not married, and wanted to travel, I'd consider The Peace Corps, as Darwin suggested, or maybe working on a cruise ship. May I ask what the adoptive "parents" will get, aside from the joy of knowing you, which I'm assuming you typically don't charge for? Are you going to help them, when their assets run low and they need assistance or a caregiver?
Are you going to offer to help drive them, bring them groceries, visit them on Sundays when they can't get out any longer? Take them to doctor appointments and pick up their prescriptions and listen to them with patience, when they forget that they already called you once today and told you what Oprah said? Have you thought about that side of things?
4 I like your style. It's worth a try. Maybe I should ask if anyone would like to give me a million.
However,I see a "do something meaningful with myself rather than jump into a serious career. " There are many people who would tell you that a serious career is meaningful.It's the other stuff, whatever you tink is meaningful that isn't meaningful.2. Get started with your career, there will be plenty of time to travel.
As a matter of fact there are many jobs that require travel. Why don't you get one of those and kill two birds with one stone?3. Nothing is free.
Whoever would give you money would want something in return even if it is just an emotional contact. You would surely hate that some day.4. What would taking the money say about you to your friends, family and future family?4.
Growing up isn't so bad. I promise.
I like your style. It's worth a try. Maybe I should ask if anyone would like to give me a million.
However,I see a "do something meaningful with myself rather than jump into a serious career. " There are many people who would tell you that a serious career is meaningful.It's the other stuff, whatever you tink is meaningful that isn't meaningful.2. Get started with your career, there will be plenty of time to travel.
As a matter of fact there are many jobs that require travel. Why don't you get one of those and kill two birds with one stone?3. Nothing is free.
Whoever would give you money would want something in return even if it is just an emotional contact. You would surely hate that some day.4. What would taking the money say about you to your friends, family and future family?4.
Growing up isn't so bad. I promise.
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Im a 21 year old college student and im not losing hair, but it just stopped growing. What can I use to help it gow?
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.