I'm trying to find a book. It involved gods and wild gods. The main character is a crippled ex Knight/half god?

I'm trying to find a book. It involved gods and wild gods. The main character is a crippled ex Knight/half god The main character in a freak accident becomes bonded to a God and is no longer crippled.

If a bone of his is broken ( he frequently breaks his pinky) the God inside him comes out in a terrible form. There's also another main character, Shes a little girl with a phantom dog that only she can see. He's described as a metal looking dog.

The gods have 'hands' that harvest there bodily fluids such as blood sweat tears sh*te seed, mabye some others? Asked by vackler 16 days ago Similar questions: find book involved gods wild main character crippled Knight half god Arts > Books > Books - Fantasy.

Similar questions: find book involved gods wild main character crippled Knight half god.

Shadowfall by James clemensFour thousand years ago, a great war took place among the gods, which shattered their heavenly realm. The land of Myrillia was born from this mighty Sundering, where near-invincible gods walk in the flesh of man. Yet the warped tool that fashioned the Sundering may also strike down the immortals, as failed Shadowknight Tylar discovers.

The blood of Meeryn, a dying god, heals his deformities but brands him a Godslayer and a hunted criminal. Tylar flees with now god-like powers, seeking to avenge Meeryn's death and clear his name. S journey across the world leads him to face the betrayal of friends and the heroism of strangers.

He must eventually confront the greatest god of all and face the ultimate treachery ...http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/c/james-clemens/shadow-fall.htm htm.

I CANNOT DESCRIBE MY WORDS OF THANKS! Its been soooo long that I've been trying to hunt down this book. Thank you so much.

Vackler 14 days ago .

What are some children's books where the main character is going to a new school. " "I am looking for a book in which the main character is known as "the man"" "Looking for name of series of juvenile books. Boy was main character.1st book started out w/Dad installing toilet" "Fantasy book series set in a land where everyone has a gift main character can speak with inanimate objects" "a fantasy book, circa early 1980's, where the main character entered the fantasy world through a mirror?

" "Searching for Scifi-fantasy book title where main character rides a moose. Published in the 80's." "Need help finding young adult fantasy book. Main character girl, royalty, bodyguard named London.

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What are some children's books where the main character is going to a new school.

I am looking for a book in which the main character is known as "the man.

Looking for name of series of juvenile books. Boy was main character. 1st book started out w/Dad installing toilet.

Fantasy book series set in a land where everyone has a gift main character can speak with inanimate objects.

Searching for Scifi-fantasy book title where main character rides a moose. Published in the 80's.

Need help finding young adult fantasy book. Main character girl, royalty, bodyguard named London. Meets boy.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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