In my opinion ISLAM is not a religion but has become - or maybe always was - a POLITICAL IDEOLOGY. Do you agree with me?

In my opinion ISLAM is not a religion but has become - or maybe always was - a POLITICAL IDEOLOGY. Do you agree with me? Asked by janosj 15 months ago Similar questions: opinion ISLAM religion POLITICAL IDEOLOGY agree Society > Religion & Spirituality.

Similar questions: opinion ISLAM religion POLITICAL IDEOLOGY agree.

Despite our vaunted separation of church and state, many people's religion is also a political ideology.

Thanks. There is a lot of undeniable truth in your answer. That might be a pity but is - in my opinion - unchangable.

Janosj 15 months ago .

Criminality doesn't form in any way part of christian religion. It does with Islam. The separation between christian religion and political choice is not absolute.In Islam it IS absolute.

That's why criminality is not even a subject to discuss among Islamic people. It is just one of the forms of activating of what they 'received' when they were born. That is why I strongly keep on POLITICAL IDEOLOGY as the only correct and understandable definition of Islam.

For humanity as-a-whole it is an extremely dangerous way of taking life as a gift of what they have given the name ALLAH. The whole inspiration by an angel to Mohammed is bloody nonsense. Many times I wonder if a man like Mohammed ever existed.

When he wanted to marry a girl of nine years old, people asked if ALLAH has given him permission for this crime: pederasty. Mohammed himself, was ALLAH. I have to write down 'Thanks' with a capital letter 'T' but I don't know why.

Commerce and cruelty? Janosj 13 months ago jpg.

However, there are "christian" sects that behave badly, too.

Yes, you are right with my note: they BEHAVED already badly and inhuman in the The 'Cathar-movement' started to develop in the South of France. The first group of people that got emotionally involved was the nobility. It was also the beginning of wars started by the formal christians who were all catholic.

The Inquisition was formed and organized and all kind of dirty tricks were invented and used or better: the christians used horrible and unbelievable cruel methods. ****************************************************But instead of telling you a sad story, you better take time to read a brilliant book about this movement written by a French author and genius: Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. The book is translated into English by Barbara Bray.It is fascinating.

My wife and I live for thirty years already in the village where the last Cathar 'bonhommes' spent quite a time before they went over the Pyrenees back to France. They were cheated by a man who was bribed by Jacques Fournier, then Head of the Local Inquisition and a bit later Pope Benedictus XII. You can find everything you like to know in many, many publications and organizations that are specialized.

I have been member of one of the Groups in Brussels but had to stop because of my health. By the way: thanks a lot for having me brought on this road that I had left some years ago. I have translations of some of the 'Confessions' of these bright and honest men and women in original Latin (from the Vatican Library) and in French, Dutch and Catalan.

Janosj 13 months ago The promised land of error.

Montaillou. The promised land of error.

Yes Janos, you are correct. It began when Muhammad started his rule in Medina. He formed a government that made him ruler and made himself the Prophet of Allah…the spokesman for Allah.

S laws spoke to both religion and politics. The way people worshipped became law, inseparable from the political organization of the State. He established this type of government in every region his armies conquered, and it continues to this day.

A government that is ruled by religious leaders, just as Muhammad set it up 14 centuries ago. Muslim countries are run by a set of doctrines that form the basis of religious and political goals. The sad thing is that our county, the United States, is so blinded by political correctness, it doesn’t recognize that Islam is not a religion, but a political system.

Good morning, Geppetto,Thanks a lot for your wel-organized answer. It's a good way of starting a new week in - at the moment - sunny Spanish-Catalonia. Poes ('Cat' in Dutch) the Philosopher comes to you for a visit.

I hope you are going to have a fine sunny Sunday! All the best! Janosj janosj 15 months ago jpg.

Thanks and a lot with knowledge and interest! Janosj 15 months ago .

Thanks and a compliment for your well-organized answer! Janosj 15 months ago .

Gary4booksThe ones to be convince are the countries Islam covets. There is no doubt that we here in the US are under attack by Muslim activists....whether they be called terrorists or Abdullah or Osama bin Laden. We are one of the most naive of nations left not to recognize the danger of this Political/Religious system.

Even tiny Cuba, ruled by it's own despot is more aware than we.

PamperdueIn Islamic philosophy, the purpose of the state is to enforce religious principles…religious law is preeminent. Because the goal of Muslims is to obey God, does not make it a religion. It is a political system meant to enforce religious law….

And all laws in Islam take on the force of obeying God, and God’s prophets and spokesmen. Now, dear Pamperdue, you may be able to separate Islam into two distinct philosophies…I cannot. To me Islam is a political system set up to perpetuate itself by adherence to laws found in the Qur’an.

And while the Qur’an doesn’t enjoin you to stop at stop signs, it compels you to obey Islamic rulers and policies. In my book, if you can’t separate religion from politics, and if political goals are to enforce religious laws, then to me it is not distinguishable from a political ideology. You can say all the academic things you wish in defining Islam, the practicality of it is Islam is a political system.

And, dear Pamperdue....your comment that...\"There is no religion that isn't intertwined with political ideology. ".....Perhaps, your difficulty in considering Islam a political ideology lies in defining religion. To me, religion is a philosophy involving a fear of death.

Islam is a political ideology that promotes rules of living that are a preparation for an afterlife.....Geppetto, 2010.

The confusion around Islam brings into sharp focus the justifications and the reasoning behind the efforts of many in the United States to maintain a degree of seperation between our government and all of our various religions. Islam as a religion and nothing more is one thing. Islam as both religion and state is something else entirely.

Any religion that becomes the rule of law for a country or a community becomes a problem.

The Quran does not care about your opinion. The FACT is that the Quran, with Mohammed behind it, declares that Islam is BOTH political (will eventually take over the whole world) AND religious (in the name of Allah. ) Of course it's a political ideology; it spreads its ideas with the sword.

That is what is confusing us secular-minded folks over here. We think it's either religion or politics and forget that for much of the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic church was both religion and politics. That is how Satan expects to take over the planet: combining religion and politics.

Thanks, but it is not a brilliant text you wrote. Janosj 15 months ago .

There is no religion that isn't intertwined with political ideology. The old testament is filled with what we now consider to be secular laws. The idea of separation of church and state is a recent innovation, but there has always been ideology.So it's incorrect to single out Islam for that statement.

Especially since Islam is, like all major religions, practiced by a wide variety of people, all of whom consider their way to the the right way to practice it. Identifying a single, unitary "Islam" among its billion or so practitioners is impossible. And finally... making a statement "Islam is not a religion" is simply false on the face of it.

Definitions of "religion" vary, but I cannot conceive of one that excludes Islam without also excluding every other religion. Viewed from the point of view of a non-believer, or a practitioner of genuinely different religion such as Buddhism or Confucianism, Islam is practically identical to the other Abrahamic traditions.It is different in a few minor trappings, but its fundamental bases (monotheism, the power of prayer, the necessity of ritual) are pretty similar. So while there may be a thesis to be made out of the idea that political ideology in Islam is worth discussing, the idea of denying its religious nature is unsupportable.

As far as my information and many studies go, ISLAM is not more than a POLITICAL IDEOLOGY. If Mohammed has ever existed - there are deep doubts about this fact, especially in the German scientific world - he was a paedophile who took a 9 years young girl as his fiancé. But he waited until she was 12 years old and went then to bed with her.

S excuse was that Allah himself had given him permission. But if you are happy with your comment, you must have had a good day. Thanks!

Janosj 15 months ago .

Again: Thanks for your efforts that won't solve the problem of linguistic rules and usable facts about an issue that is ruining the Global Village named 'Planet Earth' janosj 15 months ago .

Again: thanks a lot and have a nice weekend! Janosj / Jan janosj 15 months ago .

If Mohammed has ever existed - there are deep doubts about this fact, especially in the German scientific world - he was a paedophile who took a 9 years young girl as his fiancé. And Abraham threw his wife and child out into the cold when his wife got pregnant. And don't forget what his brother did with his daughters.

For that matter, Juliet was only 13 when she had sex with Romeo. That's treated as a matter of romance. And none of Mohammed's sex life is relevant to the notion of Islam as ideology rather than religion, a point for which you've given zero support.It's a ridiculous assertion: Islam is no more "just an ideology" than Christianity or Judaism is.

Sorry - didn't really listen to question Since I can't erase, please disregard .

Thanks and have a nice evening! Janosj 15 months ago .

Whatever Mohammed's initial intentions - or any charismatic leader's initial intentions - Islam has been a religon for centuries. You could say the exact same thing about the Catholic church. Constantine took an abrahamic religion and organized its factions for political purposes.

All Christian churches are based on the foundation of the early church and the evolution of its belief systems during the dark ages/early middle ages. Christianity has been and is repeatedly used as a political tool.

Thanks for your answer. You are right in your way of mentioning and describing the Christian churches. I happen to live in a Spanish-Catalan village where the last Cathar with his friends lived for some years.

The Inquisition was the SS of the Roman Catholic Church and thanks to a horrible bribe they were brought to the South of what now is called FRANCE . There is only a difference between you and me in the the interpretation of the concept, hidden in the word 'religion'. I leave this subject as it is both a linguistic and political.

The abuse of Christian Churches in the European Middle Ages is a fact and a very nasty one. Many people were simply murdered. Janosj 15 months ago jpg.

There is only a difference between you and me in the the interpretation of the concept, hidden in the word 'religion'. I leave this subject as it is both a linguistic and political. The abuse of Christian Churches in the European Middle Ages is a fact and a very nasty one.

Many people were simply murdered. "_______________________________________I'm not limiting my observations to Christianity during Medieval times. First of all, the early christians were a bunch of disparate Greek and Jewish cults brought together by Constantine, a late Roman emperor with a political agenda.

That was not the middle ages. That was the late Roman empire. Secondly, the Church's theocratic rule still affected Catholic countries in the 20th century.

Tler confided his plans for war to the Church as early as 1933 and a concordant was signed between Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli (later to become Pope Pius XII) and It included an agreement that no Catholic clergy would be called into service when the war started. This is all fact. This could never have been signed without the knowledge and agreement of the then current pope, Pope Pius XI who died in 1939, and Pope Pius XII, went on to remain silent when he was begged to come to the aid of those peoples tler was choosing for genocide - Pius XII remained silent The Church was a co-conspirator of World War II and genocide of millions of innocent people.Htm.

The Church was still so enormously politically powerful during the 20th century, that if Pope Pope Pius XI had taken the moral high road and denounced tler six years before he invaded Poland and started WWII, tler would undoubtedly have been stopped. A word from the pulpit would have turned the masses against Christ was still more charismatic than a hate filled paper hanger from Austria with a talent for negatively riling up the masses -- Christ's church had the power of excommunication, hell and damnation behind it -- the ultimate fear of life after death and eternal suffering. Nothing was said because the church saw this as an opportunity to get rid of Jews.

A long standing tradition. Theocracy is politics and the Church fought to remain a theocracy and still controls the laws in Northern Ireland. This is Islam is a Theocratic religion; a combination of relgion and government, but then that is how the world operated for thousands of years.As far as I know only ancient Rome was tolerant of multiculturalism and, excepting select cases such as Druids in the British Isles, they predominately allowed those who were conquered to retain their religions.


There was no separation of church and state until our constitution established that right. YES Islamic countries base their civic laws on Sharia law; the Pan-Arab concept is dieing. But to try to claim that Islam is less a religon than Christianity or Judaism is ridiculous.

Organized religon has always been or attempted to affect government. Tibet was a theocracy! Here are photos of the signing of the Nazi Concordant in 1933 and there are links to the concordant itself, including the secret Amendment clearly showing that the Church was totally aware of tler's long term plans to wage war long before 1939.

Six years they stood by while tler built the Third Reich, knowing it's plans to wage world war. Really look at this stuff, really read these links., Evangelical Christians and ultra conservatives scream that there isn't really a separation of church and state in America. So basically, they are claiming that politics and religion are part of the United States agenda as well.

They want the same things Islamic countries have. In truth, our constitution, treaties and documents supporting the intent of our constitution. Clearly prove that the founding fathers of the US based this country on separation of church and state.

But look at how we operate. Any idiot (it doesn't take a historian), can see what direction we are going. And it's backward.

We want to return to the age old tradition of governance based on the religious ideologies of one group in a country that is multi-cultural and represents people of many religions including no religon. They are ignorantly leading us into a bloody period unless we put an end to this lunacy. You want a crusade, fine.

But be prepared to suffer the consequences. Every religion was begun with political motivation. “Faith moves mountains, but only knowledge moves them to the right place” Joseph Goebbels htm.

I think a Muslkim would find your question to be meaningless. And that is whom you need to convince.

Thanks for your answer but I am personally not convincing Muslims. Janosj 15 months ago .

Well 4 of eleven shows me that my opinion is not popular, but I still believe that people do not divide their lives and if they have political goals they will be colored by their religious beliefs. So you are right, but it is irrelevant. It is the same with everyone.

But what we call political may be religious to them. Like them or not, we have to keep they out of power over us and they have to respect our way of life. For us.

You must be a christian a member of the largest political party on the planet. How very observant of Ya! Islam, just like Christianity, is a spin off of Hebraism and every bit as invalid.

Thanks for your answer, bui I am not a member of any religious group of people and don't feel like ever being such a member. Have a nice weekend! Janosj 15 months ago .

Didn't mean to insult you; you just sounded sooo christian. Re the weekend...back at Ya! .

" "Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean? " "was islam the first religion?

" "Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality. '" "why do you need religion?

" (14 answers) "what religion is the true religion" (18 answers) "When has the American left ever been concerned with the rights of a religion like they are now with Islam?" (14 answers) "what do you think of this religion? " (10 answers) "religion.

Religion is for people who fear hell; Spirituality is for people who've been to hell. What does this mean?

Your 'Change category' does not work. You put my 'computer' question into 'Religion & Spirituality.

What religion is the true religion" (18 answers).

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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