I think it used to be but being American myself and having lived abroad for 18 years, I see the USA in a different light. There are very few actual products being manufactured in the USA. Components are designed and made elsewhere.
More and more food items are being imported and the agricultural communities are dying. Call centers are being outsourced to other countries to save money, factories are being relocated to other countries to save money and get around governmental regulations - shame. In my humble opionion, China is the country to watch.
But, that's only my opinion. I'll be interested to see what others think.
No. America is very innovative in a few areas, but we have much to work on before we could be considered the most innovative country.
To "win the future," we don't need to be more like Finland, or Germany, or the next flavor-of-the-month country. Instead, we need to recognize and leverage our own unique strengths. When asked how to boost America's educational competitiveness, a staple response is the emphatic assertion that we need to be more like Nation X.
It can be South Korea, Finland, or wherever country the guru has visited most recently. But, just for a moment, let's entertain the radical proposition that a better course is to tap into uniquely American strengths like federalism, entrepreneurial dynamism, and size and heterogeneity. Those besotted with international envy find it hard to accept that America's "handicaps" are the inevitable flip side of its unique strengths.
Rather than figuring out how to undo them, we would be better served figuring out to leverage them. American federalism frustrates "Nation Xers," who see states not as laboratories of innovation but as unruly children that need to be firmly brought into line. Thus, they champion national policies for teacher recruitment, preparation, and evaluation.
Yet, as with welfare reform, our federal system offers invaluable opportunities to explore different approaches to incentives, monitoring, and delivery. Since the "right" model of teacher evaluation or preparation is hardly self-evident, much less the "best" way to help teachers use new technologies like computer-assisted tutoring or online instruction, this natural variation provides an invaluable asset. American growth and prosperity have long been fueled by a dynamic private sector supported by sensible public investments in research, transportation, and ensuring honest and open markets.
In automobiles, air travel, appliances, media, personal technology, software, and any number of venues, entrepreneurs have lit our path. America is a really big country. By population, it's the third largest in the world, and it boasts the most racially and culturally diverse society in history.
This is a huge impediment for those who dream of mimicking national policies suited to tiny islands of homogeneity, like Finland. However, this makes the U.S. capable of embracing and supporting many models of teaching and schooling, with each still able to reach critical mass. The idea that America has unique competitive advantages in K-12 is a radical one.
More prevalent are grandiloquent international best practice reports, from the likes of the National Center on Education and the Economy or McKinsey Consulting, in which the authors identify a couple of homogenous nations the size of Minnesota that produce good test scores, cherry-pick a few of their educational practices, and then draw broad prescriptions. Such reports represent a triumph of the bureaucratic mindset and a disdain for America's historic strengths. Earlier this year, the Washington Post's Charles Lane eviscerated the fascination with Germany's economic "miracle" as a case of latching onto a "foreign flavor of the month."
He recalled the awe that the smart set once evinced for the economies of "Japan, Inc." and the Soviet Union, and noted that Germany's current success benefits from liberalization "that made the country a little bit more like...the United States." Embracing America's comparative advantages requires appreciating that, when the world changes, the challenges, as well as the tools, talent, and technology at our disposal, also change. Seeking to provide high-quality instruction to every child in the 21st century is a sea change from our agenda a century ago--when we only expected one student in ten to finish high school and when it was impossible to instruct a child who was 1,000 feet away.
Today, we can meet new demands by drawing upon a talent pool and tools unimaginable in 1911. American K-12 schooling is a hotbed of dynamic problem-solving on this front. Non-profits like Teach For America, Florida Virtual School, The New Teacher Project, Carpe Diem, and Citizen Schools are showing new ways to recruit and utilize educators.
For-profits like Wireless Generation, Tutor.com, Pearson, Discovery, and Rosetta Stone are offering up a range of ways to harness new tools and technology to support teaching and learning. Figuring out how to leverage these new problem-solvers is a place where our state systems, districts, and schools have fumbled badly. This is an area where would-be reformers have devoted far too little attention.
Meanwhile, not only have the "best" performing nations not done any better on this count, but the schemes promoted by those covetously eyeing Finland inevitably entail oodles of regulations and rule-writing calculated to stifle such providers. Indeed, if we look to nations that are gearing up to lead the pack in 2052, rather than 2012, we see that countries like Qatar and India are busy spying on these American ventures to help them make the leap. We would be well-advised to take the hint, and to push forward by drawing on what the U.S. has always done best.
I think America is a great country; I would not want to say that any country is "best". Everyone usually prefers the country they grew up in, if for no other reason, than they understand the culture and are comfortable with it. I think it is arrogant and short-sighted to say that country"x" is the best.
The best in what? I think almost every country has virtues, and vices, and should be taken in context of everyone else. We all exist on this planet, and maybe we should be promoting that "earth" is the best planet!
Sources: My opinion .
The country you love is the best in the world One's own country is always going to be the best, love and patriotism trump logic every time. The United States is the richest country in the world, the entertainment capital of the world, a leader in many spheres from biotechnology to space exploration. However, a look at some statistics show that the US has some worrying flaws.
The average life expectancy at birth is only 77.8 - 47th in the world. The homicide rate/per capita is 24th in the world, well behind Canada/UK/Australia/New Zealand and most of Europe. Even water quality is suspect - the US is 95th in the world for 'suspended solids' in the water supply, well behind Canada/UK/New Zealand/most of Europe (but better than Australia, where drinking tap water is like supping soup).
The United States is truly great. But with so much money, such a well educated populace, it is positively shameful that it's not much better. Sources: Me and Nationmaster stats .
1 its the greatest , beats laying in AFRICA IN A DITCH WITH MAGGOTS , OR BEING ONE OF THE 400,000 Children that die in India EVERY YEAR from drinking water contaminated with human FECAL WASTE , or being chased down the street in Indonesia by rebels with swords hacking pieces out of you with razor sharp swords( Its on youtube go ahead and watch schoolrooms full of dead children), or working in the ship breaking yards in ALANG or Pakistan or the coal mines in china OR THE KIDNAP CAMPS IN AFRICA WHERE THE BOYS ARE WIPPED AND FORCED TO LEARN THE KORAN and the girls as young as nine are prostituted to Muslim armies (youtube ) or family death camps in north Korea area 22, AMERICA GREATEST COUNRY IN THE WORLD EVER! SOME AMERICANS HATE THEIR OWN COUNTRY -THEY CAN GO TO HELL , PICK YOUR OWN FROM THE LIST I HAVE PROVIDED , * I HAVE LEFT SOME OUT -IF YOU DONT WANT TO leave than perhaps public HOUSING IN NEW ORLEANS IS A DEMOCRATIC PARTY UTOPIA BE MY GUEST I AM PAYING FOR IT AFTER ALL WITH ALL MY SELF RELIANT HARD WORK THAT A FREE COUNTRY LET ME DO ALL ON MY OWN WITHOUT PUBLIC ASSISTANCE OR ANY GOVT PROGRAMS , YUP JUST BRAINS ANND SWEAT ,MADE ME RICH , USA USA USA ITS THE BEST - I EARNED THE GOOD LIFE HERE AND EVEN BETTER AS A FREE MAN I CAN SAY IOU-zero .
Its the greatest , beats laying in AFRICA IN A DITCH WITH MAGGOTS , OR BEING ONE OF THE 400,000 Children that die in India EVERY YEAR from drinking water contaminated with human FECAL WASTE , or being chased down the street in Indonesia by rebels with swords hacking pieces out of you with razor sharp swords( Its on youtube go ahead and watch schoolrooms full of dead children), or working in the ship breaking yards in ALANG or Pakistan or the coal mines in china OR THE KIDNAP CAMPS IN AFRICA WHERE THE BOYS ARE WIPPED AND FORCED TO LEARN THE KORAN and the girls as young as nine are prostituted to Muslim armies (youtube ) or family death camps in north Korea area 22, AMERICA GREATEST COUNRY IN THE WORLD EVER! SOME AMERICANS HATE THEIR OWN COUNTRY -THEY CAN GO TO HELL , PICK YOUR OWN FROM THE LIST I HAVE PROVIDED , * I HAVE LEFT SOME OUT -IF YOU DONT WANT TO leave than perhaps public HOUSING IN NEW ORLEANS IS A DEMOCRATIC PARTY UTOPIA BE MY GUEST I AM PAYING FOR IT AFTER ALL WITH ALL MY SELF RELIANT HARD WORK THAT A FREE COUNTRY LET ME DO ALL ON MY OWN WITHOUT PUBLIC ASSISTANCE OR ANY GOVT PROGRAMS , YUP JUST BRAINS ANND SWEAT ,MADE ME RICH , USA USA USA ITS THE BEST - I EARNED THE GOOD LIFE HERE AND EVEN BETTER AS A FREE MAN I CAN SAY IOU-zero.
" "In your opinion, what is your favorite country and why?(excluding the United States) because we all live here" "what is the grammar rule of using "of"... pound of sugar, United States of America?" "Rocketeer Question- & Good Day Askvillers of the WORLD! I live in the United States of America-Where do YOU live? " "Rocketeer QUestion- What is the National Airline of the United States of America?/" "Why we use "America", when we refer to the United States" "Why is the United States still messing with Latin America?" "Are you ready for the United Corporate States of America?
(excluding the United States) because we all live here.
Rocketeer Question- & Good Day Askvillers of the WORLD! I live in the United States of America-Where do YOU live?
Why we use "America", when we refer to the United States.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.