Don't eat fish bait. It will make you sick.
Cart is an excellent all round angling bait. Cart is an excellent all round sea angling bait and can be used to catch almost any species that swims in the sea. In Particular cart makes a deadly fishing bait for cod from both boat and shore.
Cart is the extracted insides of an edible crab. Anglers purchase the edible crabs off the open market. The claws are boiled up as food, and the body, rather than being discarded into the bin is utilised for angling bait.
This article will focus on the best way to process cart for use as a cod fishing bait. Cart is simply the extracted innards of the edible crab available from any fish mongers/ shell fish retailer. All you need to do is scoop out all the flesh from in the lid of several large edible crabs.
Simply scoop the insides into an appropriate sized bowl and mix it all together. Getting the cart ready for the hook.
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