Is sharing a toothbrush with someone unhealthy?

I may have to stop following this question. It grosses me out everytime I see it. You're funny, homesteadbound.

Depends on how well you know the other person and how well you feel they stay healthy. Definitely can pass colds back and forth.

Yes it is unhealthy and it is gross. A Toothbrush should be changed every two -3 months or sooner because of the build up of bacteria and the reduction in usefulness.

Dentist says it is and you should change every three to six months and especially after you had a cold or were sick...hummm, I'm agreeing with dentist!

It is very unhealthy because I DON"T SHARE. So if you are staying at my house, do not attempt to "share" my tooth brush. Any attempt of that nature is a risk to your follow me?

YES it is VERY much a health risk, although I can admit my wife and I, on occasion, have done it anyway.

I would assume that if sharing a toothbrush came up as a possibility, you've already done some things with the other person which make that danger rather inconsequential.

Don't even want to think about it! It's more than unhealthy, it's ...I'm at a loss for words. Not good for a writer.

Look what you've done to me. I may never ever be the same again. Oh no, I feel a panic attack coming on.

How could you do this to me? I thought.

I am really surprised at how many people say "Eww, gross" when it's almost the same thing as making out with someone. When you kiss someone you are transferring saliva and germs as well. Will you stop kissing your husband/wife or significant other once you realise that?

Personally I wouldn't. Each one knows the hygiene habits their partner has and If I forgot my toothbrush some day and I feel the need to brush my my teeth I'd use my partner's. Of course I wouldn't brush my teeth with a random someone's brush, same thing as I wouldn't make out with a stranger.

Yes definitely. The human mouth harbors more germs than any other part of the body. I don't care how clean the other person is or appears to be, I would rather use my finger to brush my teeth than use someone else's toothbrush.

Anyone who knows me would never ask to loan my toothbrush. I am a pretty easy going person but this is the one thing I draw the line on.

Of course. Even if people involved are all healthy, no virus or bacteria at all, it still feels disgusting!

I think this is very unhealthy considering the amount of germs we harbour in our mouths. I just couldn't ever do it, regardless of how close the other person was to me.

I think the whole toothbrush sharing is just unhealthy because of the plaque thing and the bacteria ... ... and the gross factor, I like kissing as much as the next person but I also don't suck, lick and clean my significant others teeth while doing it.

I don't know about "unethical" but "insanitary" is the appropriate word. Here's the thing, if it's a one time thing because you don't have a toothbrush who cares? But use it more than once, nasty!

Well... here's my take on this:I shared a toothbrush just the other day. I was brushing away like usual, when all of a sudden, a couple of the bristles got stuck in between my false teeth. I had already fastened them in place with sea bond.So, here I was, in the bathroom with a toothbrush stuck in my teeth.

Just then, I sneezed so hard they flew out of my mouth and across the room! It's a good thing my cat was there with me. He was yawning at the time... so with his mouth open... my false teeth flew right into his mouth!

I must admit... he looked kinda cute with big choppers! All he did was smile! :- PI just had to add some humor.

I couldn't resist! :-)Honestly I wouldn't share a toothbrush with anyone. With all of the germs that could be, and probably are there... no thanks.

Besides, I'd be afraid to get their toothbrush stuck in my embarrassing! Hahaha! I love adding a smile to someone's day... I hope I did for you!

Have a great day... and don't forget to smile! :-).

Well, sort of, but as some have already said, kissing someone is very much the same, found the following points regarding Kissing that can make sharing a toothbrush seem much less harmful! - Kissing prevents cavities and plaque build-up by stimulating saliva production while preventing gingivitis through the calcium present in saliva. - Kissing does its part to vaccinate people from new germs.

Saliva contains bacteria, 80% of them are common to all people with 20% unique to each person. By sharing saliva with a partner, you are stimulating your immune system to respond to the different bacteria you are being exposed to. The result is that your immune system creates certain anti-bodies to these new bacteria, which in effect vaccinates you against these germs.

This process is called cross-immunotherapy. - Finally, you may not be surprised to know that kissing offers an express analysis of genetic compatibility. While you are kissing, your brain conducts instant chemical analysis of your partner’s saliva and issues a “verdict” of your genetic compatibility.

Think about it. Don’t you know much more about what you like or don’t like in a person after one kiss? And kissing is much more fun than taking a relationship inventory!

I thinks that this is unhealthy ;-) Special if you are sharing it with many people ;-).

Yes, its definitely unhealthy. Regardless if that person is your child, husband, mother, who ever? You would have to bleach your toothbrush to get rid of the bacteria that's left on it and what is okay for me isn't okay for someone else.

Its not about whether a person is clean or not. Even if you are both really clean, you shouldn't share your toothbrush.

Yes. Infectious diseases can be easily spread from one person to another and even back to yourself. For example if you have had the flue or a cold, you can re-infect yourself unless you disinfect the toothbrush by boiling, dipping it in bleach for ten minutes etc., or just throw it away and get a new one.

However, when your kids have dipped your brush in the toilet and you are desperate to brush--I can honestly confess I have used my husband's. Such is love! For better or worse!

It is actually very unhealthy. The amount of germs that live in the human mouth are numerous and only breed like crazy because it's dark and warm and saliva is great for breeding all of that. As proven on Mythbusters, a dog's mouth is in fact cleaner than a humans.

In terms of personal hygiene, I believe it is better not to share in order to avoid getting germs spreading from one person to another. We should be taking care of our own personal hygiene even though we may be staying with someone like your wife or husband. Sharing food will be okay.

Believe it or not there was a radio program recently that discussed this topic. There were a number of callers who said that they had swapped their partner's toothbrush with the one they use to clean the Dog's teeth. I would say that sharing a toothbrush with your Dog is very unhealthy.( Hope nobody is eating whilst reading this ).

I'd say definitely. I wouldn't share my toothbrush with anyone :o.

I don't think people should share toothbrushes ...

Ohhhh grose absolutely! I would never do it, not even with my husband.

I don't know if it's unhealthy, but I would think so. I do know that it's just NASTY to do that though! EWWW.

I have shared occasionally with my spouse when I absolutely had to. Otherwise I won't. Ever.

Toothbrush is cheap. Just buy your own. ;).

Oh yes, It is very very much unhealthy. I can never share a toothbrush with anyone.

Sharing a toothbrush with someone is unhealthy, gross, dangerous, disgusting, etc, etc... Toothbrushes are filled with bacteria. Every time you brush your teeth you create micro tears in your gums allowing the bacteria in to your body. Barf.

You should not share a tooth brush. Your bacteria in your mouth is different from another. EEWWEW!

However extremely hot water, boiling if possible will stearilise, better than not cleaning your teeth!

Yuk...I'd rather go without cleaning my teeth than share a toothbrush :) I'm guessing you can spread infection if they break their skin why brushing, and similarly you break yours.

......only as unhealthy as sharing someones underwear........

Because if you are, it's pretty much the same thing. Your tongue in said person's mouth...their toothbrush in your mouth....what's the difference. Also (to The Taco Tagger)....a dog's mouth is NOT cleaner than a human's.

But they do have more enzymes with which to fight bacteria, etc. That is a MYTH.

If someone has a gum disease such as gingivitis for instance and you use their toothbrush the bacteria from that disease has got to be transferred ... over time if not immediately. And as we all should know healthy gums are vital for healthy teeth.

It does seem unhealthy, although we don't think twice about kissing another person or putting our mouths in other places during intimate moments. Still, I would definitely not share a toothbrush with anyone.

As long as you throw it in a pot of boiling water then hold it up to a hair dryer for an hour-it should be safe and healthy. But the problem might be the new shape it will have acquired from the heat treatment,in which case I would say,it is unhealthy and the process to make it so (as described above) is really not worth the time and effort. -).

That's extremely unhealthy. That's gross. You should change your toothbrush every three months and if you get a sore throat, toss your toothbrush and get a new one.

It's so funny to see this oh-so-popular Question here, and SO many emphatic opinions...As for me, while I do find myself kinda cringing when my husband needs to use my brush, I realize that we've shared many other orifices and, I'm sure, germs for 25 years. So, hey, why should I worry? Have any of you seen the HS video of all the microbes and bacteria that live on your face, the video of the organisms on your eyelashes alone will make you think twice about some spit on a toothbrush.

Just the thought of the idea gives a sick feeling. Unhygienic indeed!

No way! Its doesn't even sounds good, even if it was not unhealthy I wouldn't have ever considered the option to share my toothbrush with anyone.

..i won't be able to sleep if dat happens LOLz..

It is unhealthy because it is a way to spread diseases. Not to mention super gross.

Yes , its very unhealthy by sharing toothbrush you are sharing germs and if person have any serious mouth disease you can harm with that also.

I'm going to join the resounding majority and vote ABSOLUTELY on this one. Mouths harbor a lot of germs, and... I also have something of an irrational aversion to spit.

Its absolutely unhygienic and unhealthy if you are still doing it.. Stop it at once if you really understand the need of using your own brush only.

I think if there was only one toothbrush in the world left that it would be ok to share a toothbrush. Regardless of cold germs and other things people transfer your teeth will rot without brushing them (unless you stop eating sugar and go on a raw vegan diet. )But for now, if you can still buy a 5-pack of toothbrushes for $1 at a dollar store, renys, or walmart I suggest everyone have there own ;).

Yes it is! It is very disgusting. I never let my sister or anyone in my family use my toothbrush.

You never know what disease they carry in their gum. Just imagine it. E..

Yes, Imagine the amount of bacteria you can share on from doing that!

Most of the time it is or At least it is unhygienic.

It's definitely unhealthy as there are many disease can be transmitted. But recent days rechargeable electric toothbrushes are available with sanitizer that destroys disease transmitting agent from brush head. These types of brush can be shared.

But it's better not to do it. You can use the handles of these brush and just change the brush head. To know about these brush visit:

I'm not an allergen fanatic but a toothbrush costs 1,5 USD, just buy one or wait for one day, chances are that the germs you get by not washing your teeth one day are less than the chances to get some other from the person who lend you the toothbrush.

Yes, not to mention disgusting and unsanitary. No offense to anyone. I'm just passionate about my own views.

Yes, aside from germs it can spread gum disease.

Sure it's unhealthy, as you brush your teeth sometimes your gum bleeds even if it was a tiny amount of blood. Many blood diseases can transfere on using someones toothbrush and one of the most dangerous diseases is virus C that might be there for years with no clear symptoms.

I can be! Can you imagine brushing someone else's bacteria, and possible gingivitis into your teeth and gums? I can't....oh God....

It is. There is a very strong possibility the gums bleed while brushing your teeth. ...and this is one of the quickest ways of getting a disease.

Yes The average toothbrush contains around 10million germs and over time can be the breeding grounds for trillions of bacteria specimens. No If one were to disinfect a toothbrush prior to sharing with another it is posible to share and maintain good health but it is not recomended. Technically it is not even healthy to use your own toothbrush after yourself.

You should have about 4 in rotation so you can wash them daily in your dishwasher and store them in a dry closet.

Yes, its very unhealthy because it contains a lot bacteria and germs. For me, I would rather not brush my teeth than sharing it with someone. I can't bare to imagine sharing toothbrush with somebody.

Seriously it really depends, if one day I go to my girlfriends house and I forgot to bring my toothbrush, i'll just clean her toothbrush and brush my teeths anyways, but if it was anyone elses I would not do it, I don't know where their mouths have been, nor do I want to know.

I don't think it matters once or twice, but I wouldnt share with every one night stand you have.....would get kinds crowded on the bristles.

Seen as there will be bacteria on the toothbrush and germs, I would say it is not a good idea to share a toothbrush with someone. Germs have a habit of getting around the household with little help as it is...

Last night, I made the mistake of picking up my husband's toothbrush and using it. Phooooey!

Well after reading this I feel it is unhealthy, apparently very unhealthy I may stop sharing my toothbrush with my girlfriends now ha ha. Great question.

Yes. Very unhealthy. Dentists will always tell you that.

Especially if someone was sick.

It is doubtlessly unhealthy. But it doesn't matter if the one is your beloved.

Absolutely unhealthy! Not to mention disgusting.

Yes, it's unhealthy! Gross gross gross. Your toothbrush is reaching in and scrubbing the crevices of your mouth and skimming the slime from your enamel.

Throw in bloody gingivitis and you add some real nastiness to the picture! Get your own toothbrush!

I believe so because when you use a toothbrush your germs spread all over the handle and bristles so when someone else uses it (Not in the family) they'll get germs on their hands and on their teeth.

OMG yes! Your mouth is full of is totally unsanitary!

Considering that the human mouth is the dirtiest on the planet. Uh's nasty! :).

Yes sharing a toothbrush with someone is unhealthy because it increases the risk of infection and also as per hygienic point of view it is not advisable.

Yes sharing you toothbrush is unhealthy and unhygienic.

Ewwwwwwww. No. No thank you.

I mean maybe if you are really comfortable with the other person (e.g. Having sex probably passes germs back and forth way more than sharing a toothbrush), but I can't imagine why you'd ever want to. Stuck in a desert with only one toothbrush?

Yes, it would be very unhealthy. It's like sharing gingivitis and bacteria.

I cringe every time I even THINK about using someone else's toothbrush. It is just one of those things that should never be shared. We wouldn't share someone else's used tissue, would we?

Both are full of germs!

Yes, definitely. And it's really gross. That reminds me of the How I Met Your Mother episode, anyway.

Gosh! Of course, never!..dirty. I never imagined doing this even with my boyfriend's toothbrush..

Yes ofcourse it's unhealthy! Contamination might happens incase there is a infectious diseases from the owner of the toothbrush borrowed. Toothbrush is a personal use by individual.

I can't even get past the disgusting part to even think of the unhealthy part.

Yes, it is unhealthy.. I don't like to share my toothbrush to anyone too..

It is healthy and at the same time unhealthy. Why it is healthy is, if the person has no sore in the mouth and also tested free of diseases such as mouth thrush and so on. But if otherwise please don't try it.

Diseases can be transmitted through that medium.

It all depends on who you are sharing it with. If they have a cold and so on. Please don't share it with your

Yes! Guess how much germs would be on your toothbrush! A bit dirty doing that!

Yes it is unhealthy sharing tooth brush as by sharing brushes mainly gum problems spread fastlyit is to be carefully followed that especially people of same gender should not share tooth bruehes.

Definitely unhealthy, it transmits bacteria from person to person. It is unhygienic also. If a person has a problem of bleeding gums (gingivitis) not even think of using it, may cause blood contamination .

If it is a situation that you should use other person's tooth brush avoid it. Prefer your own index finger and tooth paste and clean all the tooth surfaces.

This is a definitely a yes. I just cant say more.

I think Something is not shared like our toothbrush and many other its our personal thing so how we can share it.

It is unhealthy and we should not do it at all, even with family members.

I am not a doctor so I cann't give an exact answer, but in my opinion, it's a little disgusting.

Yea, definitely unhealthy. You could share mouth microbes and get more cavities. That means more visits to the dentist!

If you really forced to do it then at least make it soak in alcohol first to kill the germs.

I thnk it is unhealthy cause of monno. If that person is sick with something , you can get it too. Also they say it take hundreds o saliva to get IHV and that is a good start.

It's only unhealthy if their breath is wack.

Sterilize the brush after every use, and then it should be alright if you completely comfy wiht that person.

Although you will be sharing what has been in eachother mouths if you are both equally healthy and take care of your teeth I can't see what the problems could come up.

It is unhealthy,and I don't think people should share toothbrushes.

I guess its no different then taking a swig of soda pop from their bottle... Or even putting your hand in or by your mouth. Germs are going to be transmitted to you either way...

Yes very! Thats how you share cavities.... even kissing can do it!

All I can say is ewwwww gross. Tooth brushes are cheap enough , why would anyone want to share one.

It is very unhealthy .. every people`s mouth has a huge amount of germs .

It is not only unhealthy, but quite disgusting. You remind me of a new house mate I got in college during my second year of study. The man got to use my toothbrush the following morning.

This irked me so much that I rebuked and threw him out within minutes of my discovering the wet toothbrush. I didn't care what college administration had to say but I had to part ways with the guy. I bet this answers your query well :).

Yes tooo much. Sharing toothbrush means you sharing one's germs with other. It is the most unhelathy habit.

With a girl no, with a guy yes! Random point here, but did you know you are not supposed to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth? You are meant to know leave the toothpaste on your teeth else its a waste of time!

It is so unhealthy...Atleast this is some thing we should never share...Stay

Most definitely. Sharing bacteria of the mouth with someone else is very unhealthy. Why would you want to do that anyway?

Yes it's freaking dangerous. I think it's kinda okay if that person is your other half but still; it's unsanitary. You can get any kind of disease and the worst one among them is AIDS.So, be careful.

To me, the germs no matter how much you clean it . Every body is different and carries lots of germs.

Of course it's very unhealthy. I can not imagine sharing mine. I would use toothpaste only and brush with my fingers!

It is probably not the most healthful thing to do, but considering where else your mouth has been with that person....

Of course it is! Even if you wash the toothbrush in-between uses, it still will cause bacteria! Do you want mono?

If not then stop sharing mouth and lip products!

I cannot agree it any more, even this person is your lover, while every one should use his/her own toothbrush in order to avoid diseases.

Sharing a toothbrush with someone is unhealthy,not only from hygienic point of view but from a medical point as well. Toothbrushes are used to wipe away the bacteria. Since bacteria are difficult to kill by merely rinsing the toothbrush,though most of us follow the same.

If someone else uses that same toothbrush,then all the bacteria transmitted to that person and vice versa. In other words it is not just sharing the toothbrush ,but passing bacteria and some contagious disease to each other.

Yaaaaaak....Its extremely unhealthy.......Never even thought of sharing a toothbrush.

Well it shares germs. If the person is sick, you could likely get sick also.

I don't think toothbrush as become a very expensive stuff to buy..

Yes of course.. just try and see it for your self. It is very disgusting and unethical.

Well think about the brush getting in between someone's teeth, the scraps of food--maybe decayed food, and plaque being brushed away--and then stick that same brush in your own mouth. The human mouth is full of germs--unless it was one of my closed family members--no I couldn't do it. I don't even like to share a soda.

Yes, it is! What if somebod didn't clean their brush out and all the pluaqe goes on your teeth? What a random question!

Who whould say no?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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