Is the Archive Utility in MAC OS X Leopard a compression and extraction application?

Similar questions: Archive Utility MAC OS Leopard compression extraction application.

See details Yes, it is an application with no gui. You do need commercial software as this is included with OS X. It has some limitations in terms of what formats it can uncompress (such as .

Rar files and also password protected file). From Wikipedia:"Archive Utility (BOMArchiveHelper until Mac OS X 10.5) is the default archive file handler in Mac OS X. It is a service application that has no GUI other than setting preferences when double-clicked, rather it is invoked by double-clicking one of its supported file formats.It can be used to create compressed archives by choosing "Create archive of 'file'" (Leopard: "Compress") in the Finder's File or contextual menu.

"It supports these formats: * bom (.bom) 1 * bzip2 (.bz, . Bz2) * cpgz (cpio gziped) * cpio (.cpio) * gz (.gzip, . Gz) * tar (.tar) * tgz (tar gziped) * tbz, tbz2 (tar bziped) * compress (.Z) * UUencode * ZIP (.zip) – password-protected ZIP archives are not supported Sources: Google .

Compress: only if you want to a) produce password protected archives b) multipart archives c) non zip archives (e.g. RAR). >Is there anything in this area that MAC OS X Leopard's built-in Archive Utility cannot do as well or at all compared to the commercially available software? It cannot do a lot of things (RAR, passwords, Drag and Drop).

Check out (free) .

Compress: only if you want to a) produce password protected archives b) multipart archives c) non zip archives (e.g. RAR). >Is there anything in this area that MAC OS X Leopard's built-in Archive Utility cannot do as well or at all compared to the commercially available software? It cannot do a lot of things (RAR, passwords, Drag and Drop).

Check out (free).

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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