Is the BTU/hr rating of a burner in a natural gas kitchen stove a better indication of how hot it gets OR what?

Similar questions: BTU hr rating burner natural gas kitchen stove indication hot.

Yup... BTUs is the key to heat The BTU measure on a burner is a way of expressing how much heat is given off by that burner. The higher the BTU, the hotter the burner can get. Most home gas stoves have four identical burners.

Not very useful, but you can get by that way -- I mean, people have for years. Professional/commercial stoves (and higher-end home units) have a variety of burner units to select from including everthing from a simmer burner all the way up to wok-sized burners that put out 10s of thousands of BTUs.... When you look at the burners on a stove, the BTU output and the size may have some correlation, but don't go by size -- go by BTUs. That's how you can tell what heat output you're going to end up with.

For most home cooks, a couple high-output burners and one low-output (simmer) burner, plus a couple/three standard burners will suffice. When installed by a professional (and that's something I'd HIGHLY recommend) they will ensure the gas pipe will supply enough gas for all the burners to run simultaneously. If it needs to be upsized, they'll tell you so.

Have fun shopping for your new stove! Bon appetit. Sources: newfietom .

The BTU rating is what you need BTUs are units of energy. If you want something to get hot fast, you apply more BTUs. For some kitchen operations, like making stir-fries or boiling water for pasta, the more BTUs the better.

The other thing to look for is control. The problem with gas stoves is that it can be hard to get things to cook slowly, such as simmering something, or melting chocolate, Usually, you work around those problems with a double-boiler (which keeps the temperature low) and by using top-quality pans (which distribute the heat better, so you don't get hot spots). Good burners distribute heat better than bad ones.

Consumer Reports does an article every year on stoves they recommend, and you might want to go to the library and dig that article up.

The burner will not light. " "what is the BTU of a natural gas stove and oven" "how much gas does a typical meduim burner on a gas stove use?" "Is a stove using propane versus natural gas just as good? (Does it get hot enough?

)" "Gas burner on stove too hot.

What is the BTU of a natural gas stove and oven.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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