Several recent polls have shown that Obama's approval rating has jumped among women since December, from 43 percent to 53 percent, while remaining flat among men, and that the president would enjoy substantial leads among women over either Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum in hypothetical matchups. In a national Pew Research Center poll last month, for instance, Obama led Romney by 8 percentage points and Santorum by 10 percentage points overall. Obama, however, was carrying female voters by a lopsided 59 percent to 38 percent over either Republican.
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Unfortunately I was always under the impression women were as intelligent as men and that they were at least if not more equal in matters of good sense and looking at all sides of all issues. If the women of this country persist in voting with their libido they prove they are not capable of making wise decisions. 90% of the citizens of this country do not care if they use contraceptives and it has never been a problem but it is a problem when they somehow feel that everyone else should pay for their sexual decisions.
How many people are going to be denied coverage because some government agency decides contrary to what their physician believes you need. That doctor does not profit, he simply refers people for advanced treatment. How will women, the caretakers, feel when their mother, father, grandparent is denied treatment that can give them a productive life for many years.
I can't imagine any thoughtful person voting on one issue that serves only their sexual desires but costs the truly needy from necessary care. If any woman is in danger of ovarian cancer or any other sexual diseases and they need contraceptives they are prescribed and covered by all Catholic Insurance Companies and 90% of all others. One can buy contraceptives for recreational use for $9.00 a month so what's really the problem?
Let's all take a sober moment to think how gullible we can be calling this issue a 'war on women'. There are powerful women in Congress, in the presidents administration, woman presidential candidates, powerful women in huge corporations and business large and small. Please don't be hoodwinked.
Women work, raise families, are breadwinners, multitask and for generations have had every opportunity to compete with men and at least 50% of the time come out ahead.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.