Is there a Democrat who stands a decent chance of defeating the President in the 2012 primary?

I've heard several people ask which Republican is the frontrunner to defeat President Obama in 2012. But what about the Dems? Is it a guarantee that the President will win nomination again?

Is there another Democrat who would have a better chance of defeating the Republican nominee than the President has? Asked by MrItty 19 months ago Similar Questions: Democrat stands decent chance defeating President 2012 primary Recent Questions About: Democrat stands decent chance defeating President 2012 primary Politics & Law > Politics.

Similar Questions: Democrat stands decent chance defeating President 2012 primary Recent Questions About: Democrat stands decent chance defeating President 2012 primary.

Ugh. Apparently HTML tags don't work in the answers any longer? MrItty 19 months ago .

No. The only one with a remote chance is Hilary, and there is too much tied up in the Bill/Obama/Hillary triumvirate at this point for that to happen. I think it will be in 2016 that Hillary wins.

Unless the president takes himself out of the race, he will be the candidate on the Democratic ticket. In spite of all the negative drum beating from the right, don't count him out. The more important question is who is strong enough (and I might add intelligent enough) to run on the Republican ticket against him?


Do you say that because it's a foregone conclusion that first-term president will always be the nominee, or are you talking specifically about this President and this election?5 incumbent presidents have lost their party's nomination for a second term - Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester A. Arthur, and Calvin Coolidge. So it's not without precedent.

MrItty 19 months ago .

Good question. I don't know the answer. MrItty 19 months ago .

Dem opponents are not likely to defeat Obama. It is easy to find a Conservative who is more intelligent than Obama who is obviously over his head and not intelligent enough for the job.

Every single other responder here - lefties and righties alike - managed to answer or address the question without resorting to childish insults. Why is that so hard for you? Why can you not participate in a single political conversation without falling back to "OBAMA BAD!

"? Every time you post, it makes me happier and happier that we have such diametrically opposed viewpoints. MrItty 19 months ago .

Me, too. I dunno who else I would vote for. Howard seems to be going nuts and Hillary looks very tired.

So it's not without precedent. "True. But the Whigs are a precedent, too.

What was the worst Precedent.?(OOPS. I already asked that one. Never mind.

) .

Do you say that because it's a foregone conclusion that first-term president will always be the nominee, or are you talking specifically about this President and this election?5 incumbent presidents have lost their party's nomination for a second term - Franklin Pierce, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Chester A. Arthur, and Calvin Coolidge. So it's not without precedent.

MrItty 65 months ago.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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