Not all magazines have applications or subscriptions for the iPad. Magazines may offer a free version for an application or website but it may be just a summary of the magazine and not contain all the content of the printed version. Others offer subscriptions by year or issue but the prices are usually equal to that of the newsstand edition.
There are also companies like National Geographic that offer enriched media like videos and maps that are free at their website. Cosmopolitan is available for the iPad using the Zinio app. The app enables iPad-owners to buy and read interactive full-color multimedia magazines.
Zinio offers a lot of magazines at a subscription price that is typically cheaper than the newsstand editions by a little bit. For example Cosmopolitan cost $15.00 for a one year subscription.
Not all magazines have applications or subscriptions for the iPad. Magazines may offer a free version for an application or website but it may be just a summary of the magazine and not contain all the content of the printed version. Others offer subscriptions by year or issue but the prices are usually equal to that of the newsstand edition.
There are also companies like National Geographic that offer enriched media like videos and maps that are free at their website. Cosmopolitan is available for the iPad using the Zinio app. The app enables iPad-owners to buy and read interactive full-color multimedia magazines.
Zinio offers a lot of magazines at a subscription price that is typically cheaper than the newsstand editions by a little bit. For example Cosmopolitan cost $15.00 for a one year subscription. Not all magazines have applications or subscriptions for the iPad.
Magazines may offer a free version for an application or website but it may be just a summary of the magazine and not contain all the content of the printed version. Others offer subscriptions by year or issue but the prices are usually equal to that of the newsstand edition. There are also companies like National Geographic that offer enriched media like videos and maps that are free at their website.
Cosmopolitan is available for the iPad using the Zinio app. The app enables iPad-owners to buy and read interactive full-color multimedia magazines. Zinio offers a lot of magazines at a subscription price that is typically cheaper than the newsstand editions by a little bit.
For example Cosmopolitan cost $15.00 for a one year subscription.
Not all magazines have applications or subscriptions for the iPad. Magazines may offer a free version for an application or website but it may be just a summary of the magazine and not contain all the content of the printed version. Others offer subscriptions by year or issue but the prices are usually equal to that of the newsstand edition.
There are also companies like National Geographic that offer enriched media like videos and maps that are free at their website. Maxim offers an excellent free application for the iPad, which you can download from the iTunes store at the link below. However, they do charge a per issue price of $2.99 for each download.
Maxim does offer a free website with some content but does not include the monthly magazine content.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.