Magazine girls, do men prefer natural slim curvy girls or them?

I agree with "It's not the same for all men. " I myself, for example, am attracted to women with white blond hair. I think it's very attractive.

However, I am not attracted to skinny women without any curves. I want curves--not too much or too little. But let me add this: I do not find white white-blonds attractive only.

I like a mix of exoticism in my woman's make up too. Hence the reason I married an Asian woman. I like their eyes!

All things considered, to keep my answer short, I think that all women have something to offer--Black, White, Asian, spanic--it all is in the eyes of the beholder.

It´s not the same for all men. Some like more blondes and others may prefer black hair. But some girls, like Jessica Alba every men likes.

In general magazines have an idea of what they think men want to see.......You see it's all about selling magazines and I guess they've done their homework. Mostly these are unattainable women for the majority of men....who themselves are not bound for GQ. In general men will take the best woman they can get based on their own perceptions of looks, income,social standing.It depends a lot on a man's self confidence.

Depends on the guy. Some guys, even white guys, like girls with booty, not "boyish" figures. Kim Kardasian, ummmm.

A picture can't capture the important qualities men are looking for like daddy issues, low self esteem, and a poor moral compass.

Of course anything that "stands out" is going to attract a man's attention because men are visual. Bright blond hair is sure to attract immediate attention but is it sure to keep attention? Large breasts are sure to attract immediate attention, but are they enough to keep a man's attention?

The truth is, Girl in love, while men are certainly visual and physical attraction is instant, lasting attraction is based on one thing, if a guy "wants more of that. " And a guy determines "if he wants more of that" based on how he feels when he is around you. Nt: Guys go crazy for confident girls.Period.

If you are confident and easy going.. trust me, He will "want more of that. " Who wouldn't?

All things considered, to keep my answer short, I think that all women have something to offer--Black, White, Asian, spanic--it all is in the eyes of the beholder.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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