Mr. President Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize. How do you feel about the decision? A very similar question has been asked recently. I'll link to it. Note: It has inspired lively debate.

^_^ Here was my answer . . .. Obama absolutely deserves it.

I don't agree with everything he does, however he is a huge global voice for nuclear disarmament. Few could argue that this is a huge step toward world peace. ... But don't take my word for it, The European Commission President thinks he is quite deserving.

JosÉ Manuel Barroso, European Commission President "A tribute to President Obama's commitment to the values of peace and progress of humanity. This award is an encouragement for engagement by all those who can contribute to bring about a safer world. " ... Then again I will say the Taliban is very disapointed.

Zabihullah Mujahid, a Taliban spokesman "He has done nothing for peace in Afghanistan ... We condemn the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for Obama. "

This morning when I read that Pres. Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize, my reaction was "WTF? " The Obama has been in office for less than a year and he gets the Nobel Peace Prize.

Jimmy Carter didn't get the Prize until 20 years after leaving the presidency. Al Gore spent years banging the drum on global warming and other environmental dilemmas before receiving the Prize two years ago.( What really angers me is that Mohandas K. Gandhi never received the Prize and yet Obama does even though many Americans don't believe he has yet accomplished anything.( I just find it upsetting that there were others who were nominated that deserved itc more.

Such as Liu Xiaobo who is currently imprisoned for his criticism of the Chinese govt. And being involved in the pro-democracy movement.( Page=0,6) Or Morgan Tsvangirai who after years protesting against the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe manages to get in a position of power within the govt.

And put an end to the hyperinflation in the country. Now Zimbabwe's economy is seeing actual growth, which is something Obama has yet to do in the US.(

Nobel Committee head Thorbjoern Jagland has explained why he was given the award with such little time in office: "It was because we would like to support what he is TRYING to achieve". With particular regard to strengthen international institutions and work towards a world free of nuclear arms. Positive encouragement tends to have huge effects.

I feel that he could be quite deserving, but he isn't yet. Sure he has provided much rhetoric about nuclear disarmament, middle eastern peace, and nations coming together to fight terrorism and economic instability, but what has been achieved. There are the same amount of nuclear weapons (if not more) as a year ago, the israelis and the palestinians can't agree to even meet, and jewish settlements are still being built in occupied land even after Obama's ultimatum.

Iran, while sometimes edging closer to talks, is worse than this time last year, now they don't even have free elections and dissent is punished more brutally than ever. North Korea has tested nuclear weapons, short and long range missiles since the start of the year. These problems are not Obama's fault, but it does bring into question what peace he has brought about.

I admire his take on diplomacy, it's much needed, but I don't understand why the Nobel Prize Committee has rushed to award him; he will be president for another 3 years at least, and will probably go on to do more peace work when he isn't president; so why now, with nothing acheived and just a few months in office?

First of all I have to say that President Obama and I agree on this subject as he said "I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformative figures that have been honored by this prize...," I expect there are a whole lot of dead folks in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia who might have a little trouble with the "peace" part of the award. There have been nice words, no accomplishments. What award will they give him when he really DOES accomplish something?

Finally, I suppose he deserves it just about as much as Al Gore. Just my humble opinion.

I don't think much of it one way or the other. It just proves the award is a farce. Obama hasn't done anything yet due to not being in office long enough.

He won it for not being George Bush.

I feel like I don't know enough about the award to have a valid opinion, so I decided to so some research and found a handy video of the Chairman explaining it. I don't understand people who get all upset when somebody they don't like wins an award like this, it happened with Carter, it happened with Gore and now with Obama. People like Reagan, Bush and Cheney and so on don't win these awards because they start wars rather then work towards putting an end to them.

Between this and the failed Olympic bid I am getting quite sick with the Media reporting on how people are criticizing the President. We seem to have 2 types of reporting right now A) Those who criticize the President and B) Those who report on those criticizing the President. Don't get me wrong, I think all leaders should be criticized, but this is getting out of hand.

The nominations for the Nobel peace prize were turned in by Feb 1st 2009. Please enlighten me as to what President Obama did prior to or for that matter since that justifies his even being nominated? The awarding of this prize only demenishes the value of the Nobel Prize and the fact that President Obama accepted it demenishes it even farther.

This award was not designed, at least in essense to be awarded for what one MIGHT do, it was designed to be awarded for what one HAS done. Barrack Obama may one day actually earn such a prize and know what he won it for. This one sure wasn't earned.

I sure failed to see the humilty when he accepted it with the words "I am deeply humbled". This has nothing to do with conservative or liberal,it has everything to do with right and wrong. The awarding of this Peace prize is wrong no matter how its spun.

My first thought after hearing this was that the Nobel Prize Committee had so many worthy candidates this time, they couldn't decide which one should get it, so they settled on giving it to President Obama like an encouragement to continue his work.

Thats crazy he has'nt done anything to deserve it.

I was under the impression you had to actually 'accomplish' something to win the Nobel Peace Prize. While he may be attempting to accomplish something, I don't think he has yet. Then again, it's not like he could nominate himself.

I don't know. Taking all politics out of it, I just didn't think he was deserving.

Although I have absolutely nothing against Mr. Obama, I feel that he hasn't YET done anything deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. That is not to say later on in his presidency or his life, that he might not be worthy of one. It puzzles me, though, that Mr. Obama has received this award just nine months into his presidency.

From all accounts, that would mean he was nominated for the prestigious award just shortly after taking office. For all that Ghandi has done, he has never received one, to my knowledge. I feel that President Carter is more deserving of the Peace Prize than Mr. Obama.

I never knew Nobel Prizes are given based upon the good that one MIGHT do. I'd like to know the justification. If such prizes are given so loosely, then I wonder who else in the Nobel Prize history that received one, didn't really deserve it.

Congratulations President Obama! I wish you the best in the coming year and the rest of your term. Hopefully, this prize will win over your critics.

I am sure the connections you have made and attention you receive from this honor will bring more influence and success to the difficult challenges you have ahead. Thank you for your inspiring work towards Peace. PS.

Does the prize committee require proof of birth?

Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize for "being President of the USA while black," pure and simple.

I think part of the reason he won it is because he was not Bush, and the other part of the reason is so they could encourage him to act the way they want him to. As a America I am happy to see our president win but really it is premature, while I am generally supportive his foreign policy still remains a huge question mark. Honestly I think they jumped the gun here, give it a couple of years and we will see.

The Nobel Peace prize itself is a farce. Albert Nobel invented an advanced gun powder right before WW1. When he saw the destruction he had helped cause he became guilty and set up the Nobel Peace Prize foundation.

He also made a lot of money from the sale of his gunpowder and I'm sure he didn't feel bad about taking that to the bank.

I feel that he's okay. Look, those people handing out the Nobel Peace Prize maybe on to something that the others might not see. Give him a shot, cut the guy some slack.

He may be worth it? Who knows? Peace!

I want to thank all of you for your input. I love your answers I am the originator of this question. In my opinion I think it should go to a more "worthy candidate."

Oh well that is politics for you. As the saying goes "You can't have your cake and eat it too. " Sincerely @RoseAugustine on Twitter.

I'd love to respond seriously to this question, but I can't for two reasons. 1) It's late, I've written quite a bit today and done a ton of homework so my brain is addled but more importantly... 2) as friendly as I am, I prefer not to say any keywords that would send the S.W.A.T. Team, Homeland Security or the Secret Service running (flying) to my house to interrupt dinner or what have you in this great nation of "Freedom" (seriously couuld we use that term much more loosely? ) Actually, the media has so glorified this man that I'm waiting for them to create a church for him or something.

Yes giving Mr. President Obama Nobel Peace Prize is very right decision. He has shown is short time that he wants to change the world and stop nuclear weapons.

I think, he is the best person to receive one. He has such an ability to make a difference in the world.

I also feel he deserves it...I don't agree with everything that he does...believe me this health insurance thing is making my head spin at times. Yes the Nuclear Disarmament is a HUGE step towards world peace.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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