My cats poops in the litter box but pees all over the house have 2 other cats?

My cats poops in the litter box but pees all over the house have 2 other cats Asked by MeanJean1958 19 months ago Similar questions: cats poops litter box pees house Pets > Cats.

Similar questions: cats poops litter box pees house.

If you have not tried yet or not solved, perhaps its own litter box. It may be difficult to keep the other cats out but it is worth a try.

It's leaving its feces where you want it to, but obviously the other two cats are marking their territory around the house--only, you aren't seeing them do it. This third cat comes along, smells the scent, adds its own, and you see that. It's marking territory that it believes belongs to it .. .

But it's doing this because the others are also. You will need to clean (vinegar, baking soda, etc. ) the scent off ALL the areas and have ALL the cats stop marking your house with their scent. Or get 'em all fixed so they can't.

1 Maybe it is a boy cat marking his territory. Is it neutered yet? .

Maybe it is a boy cat marking his territory. Is it neutered yet?

MeanJean1958 replied to post #1: 2 I have 2 older cats 1 male 1 female the youngest that I hand fed since 2 weeks old is the problem female cat, they are all fixed.

I have 2 older cats 1 male 1 female the youngest that I hand fed since 2 weeks old is the problem female cat, they are all fixed.

" "I have two cats, one female (Psycho) and one male (Julius). One won't poop in the litter box." "kitten pooped great in the litter box until we moved the box. Now he poops where the litter box use to" "my cat shyla is one and a half years old and she poops on the floor next to her litter box!

What do I do to fix this?" "I have two cats. They (1 of them) recently stopped using the litter box, and started using a planter. Any suggestions?" "Does anyone use the Scoop Free Self Cleaning Litter Box for their cats?

" "My cat pees behind the rake in the electric litter box. There fore it doesn't get scooped into the container. Help" "I have 3 cats and all of them use the floor as a litter box how can I prevent them from using the floor as a litter box" "One of my two girl cats is peeing & pooping right outside the litter box and I don't know why.

How do I fix the problem? " "I have a 4 year old Male cat who poops in the litter box but refuses to pee in it! Why?

I have two cats, one female (Psycho) and one male (Julius). One won't poop in the litter box.

Kitten pooped great in the litter box until we moved the box. Now he poops where the litter box use to

My cat shyla is one and a half years old and she poops on the floor next to her litter box! What do I do to fix this?

I have two cats. They (1 of them) recently stopped using the litter box, and started using a planter. Any suggestions?

My cat pees behind the rake in the electric litter box. There fore it doesn't get scooped into the container. Help.

I have 3 cats and all of them use the floor as a litter box how can I prevent them from using the floor as a litter box.

One of my two girl cats is peeing & pooping right outside the litter box and I don't know why. How do I fix the problem?

I have a 4 year old Male cat who poops in the litter box but refuses to pee in it! Why?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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