My tv coaxial input broke. I have cable but not a cable box my tv is an lcd and has hdmi inputs what can I do to watch?

My tv coaxial input broke. I have cable but not a cable box my tv is an lcd and has hdmi inputs what can I do to watch or if anyone can tell me of a model of vcr/dvd player that has both coaxial and hdmi outputs Asked by sandra121870 15 months ago Similar questions: tv coaxial input broke cable box lcd hdmi inputs watch Consumer Electronics > TV & Video.

Similar questions: tv coaxial input broke cable box lcd hdmi inputs watch.

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The biggest challenge will be finding a VCR with a tuner in it. The only input into your TV that goes through the tuner is the coaxial input. Rather than the HDMI input, if your tv has audio/video connections (red, white, yellow) those will work with nearly any VCR that has a tuner, as they are very common.

Looking for 20-32" lcd tv to hook up my mac mini going dvi to hdmi - needs to have hdmi + audio input" "My laptop has an HDMI port. Does this mean I can connect my cable box to my laptop and receive tv channels? " "How do I connect a TV to cable when the TV does not have a coaxial input" "any device that can switch hdmi inputs/upscale/tune digital over the air tv signals?

Thanks" "I am planning to buy a HDMI cable to watch programs in my TV(s-video port). What cable needs to buy for VAIO VPCEV34EN. " "hd box,cable to in /box out/ to 2way splitter /2nd tv input on tv no hd cable/ do I need one.

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Looking for 20-32" lcd tv to hook up my mac mini going dvi to hdmi - needs to have hdmi + audio input.

My laptop has an HDMI port. Does this mean I can connect my cable box to my laptop and receive tv channels?

How do I connect a TV to cable when the TV does not have a coaxial input.

I am planning to buy a HDMI cable to watch programs in my TV(s-video port). What cable needs to buy for VAIO VPCEV34EN.

Hd box,cable to in /box out/ to 2way splitter /2nd tv input on tv no hd cable/ do I need one. Hd cable ok to 1st tv.

Connected hdmi plug from bluray to cable box and can't get bluray to show on tv..

How do I connect cable to my tv and my coaxial is broken.

Anyone tell me of a model of vcr/dvd player tht has both coaxial and hdmi outputs my coaxial tv input broke cable no box.

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