I doubt he threw up blood. MDMA can make you vomit and it's probably just from something he ate How much morphine was in those pills? If it's less than 66 mg it should be safe.(the minimum lethal dose is 200 mg) And if he takes it often he could probably handle up to a gram.
That's not a healthy combination but seeing that he threw up, his body may have got rid of some of the drugs from his stomach.... Depending how long it took for him to throw up after he took them. Black blood though, I dunno. It very well could have been something else from his stomach.
Keep in mind he is on ecstasy right now and may not have the best judgement of what it was unless it actually tasted like blood. I doubt he will die unless he's allergic or the drugs interact strangely and have a weird combination effect on his body. I doubt he would want to go, but you could always take him to the hospital.
If that's not an option, I would monitor him to make sure he's okay.
If you are able to drive, get him in the car and head to the emergency room. If that's not possible, call an ambulance. If you decide against any of that and he lives 'till in the morning, he still needs to get checked out by a doctor.
Throwing up blood is a very, VERY, bad thing. The darker the blood, the deeper it comes from. It's artery blood and could be from an organ such as his stomach or colon or whatever....could be a hemmorage.
He'll bleed to death internally. None of this is any good. Um, three 5 mg morphine pills make me sick, but it's just vomit....the blood part is the bad part.
He may have two issues. Over dose, AND, something else such as a cancer somewhere or maybe he's hemmoraging. He need's to get checked out ASAP!
GL to ya'll!
You really need to get an ambulance on its way if this is the case.
Christmas in the ER is better than spending Christmas dead.
You need a to see a dr straight away..probably 911 is the best idea..
You should be calling 911 to take care of him.
It's already too late, say your goodbyes, i'm sorry.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.