The method call to Start should should be Start("Something") Edit: as others have pointed out: there is no point in passing anything to Start(). The move value passed in is ignored and replaced by whatever is read from the console. Therefore I suggest simply removing the argument from the Start() method signature so it just reads public static string Start().
The method call to Start should should be Start("Something"); Edit: as others have pointed out: there is no point in passing anything to Start(). The move value passed in is ignored and replaced by whatever is read from the console. Therefore I suggest simply removing the argument from the Start() method signature so it just reads public static string Start().
1 Except that whatever is passed in will be replaced by move = Console.ReadLine(); So you might as well call Start(null). – Chris Shouts Aug 3 at 21:23 Heh hadn't noticed. In fact, the answer to the original question is probably then "remove the argument to the Start() method" :D – Anders Forsgren Aug 3 at 21:27.
Since you are reading the move from the console, remove the string move from the parameter definition of Start and move it inside as a local variable and it should be fine: public static string Start() { string move; ... And btw, your main should be Main - in c# the main should have a capital M! I recommend you read some basics of C#.
Nt: this is your method call: Start(); and this is the method's signature: public static string Start(string move) There is a mismatch between them...
– Hubrid Aug 3 at 21:22 No. You declared an argument move that must be passed to the method. Anders already gave you the exact answer.
– Jacek GorgoÅ„ Aug 3 at 21:25.
Your Start(arg) should be like: private static string Start() { string move = null; ... }.
The start method expects a string as a parameter: Examples: Start("r"); Start("s"); Start("f").
Now it says Error 1 Program 'C:\Users\Zack\AppData\Local\Temporary Projects\ConsoleApplication1\obj\x86\Debug\ConsoleApplication1. Exe' does not contain a static 'Main' method suitable for an entry point ConsoleApplication1 – Hubrid Aug 3 at 21:23 That's because Main should be capitalized and your main method is not. – Chris Shouts Aug 3 at 21:26.
You should either pass an argument when Start() is called (as Anders suggested) or you should remove the argument from Start() and declare it as a local variable instead: public static string Start() { string move = string.Empty.
From two overloaded packages. Before Perl 5.14, the relation between overloading and tie()ing was broken. Too early, before any tie()d access was attempted.
Coincides with the current one. Barewords are not covered by overloaded string constants.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.