Noisy upstairs neighbors, what would you do?

I understand what you are going through completely and I absolutely despise noisy neighbors myself. I simply do not tolerate it. One way or another, I have always been able to quiet them.

There was one neighbor whose alarm clock would wake me up every morning at 4AM. After a couple of weeks of waking up with the roosters, I left her a polite, anonymous note on her door. It worked.

I never heard that alarm clock again. Then, at a different complex, I had a lady who liked playing rap music every morning, the same song on repeat for HOURS on end! I reported her to a staff member in the apartment office.

I never heard her music again. At another complex, I had neighbors with a yippy little dog that barked his little head off all night. I went to the apartment office and filed a written complaint.

Turns out that they never listed a pet on their lease and they got evicted, problem solved. Fast-forward to another complex, this lady was the most obnoxious neighbor I've EVER had! She'd hold loud conversations on her cell phone at 4:30AM as she was on her way out to work.

She had guests over constantly, she moved in two different people (against the lease terms) into her apartment, she gave out half a dozen keys to her place and all sorts of odd-looking characters were coming and going at all times of the day and night...noisily, I might add. She held loud parties, played loud music, and I even found her on MY balcony a few times entertaining friends. I left her an anonymous note.

Didn't work. I reported her repeatedly to the manager of the complex. Didn't work.

I started calling the police on her, then reporting that to the apartment manager. It worked. My point is that different things worked for different people.

I think you're past the anonymous note stage with your current terrors. If your husband's pleas didn't work, they're likely not going to be receptive to a note. And you are absolutely should NOT have to buy gifts to get your quiet.

You absolutely need to talk to the management. Especially since you say they are very professional, your problem should get addressed right away. You need to continue talking to the management and contacting the courtesy officer, as necessary.

Some people are just dense, and you'll need to continue "turning up the heat" until you get results. You could also try asking management about transferring units. I have done that once, and been offered it another time, both times at NO additional charges or penalties.

Please talk with management. They are your best resource.

This Site Might Help You. RE: Help! Noisy upstairs neighbors?

My husband and I have lived in our apartment since September. We have never had any complaints about our neighbors, everything has been very nice here. The management is very professional and its an all-around nice complex.

Of course we occasionally hear our neighbors, but it has never gotten to a...

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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