Nokia Lumia 520 vs Nokia Lumia 620?

Nokia Lumia 520 is the its the best selling windows mobile in the market,, don't wait just go and pluck it..... 2Weeks before I bought this Lumia 520.....still now I have used lots of phone ...but this 1 is best for me.... This is my first Lumia, I have used Symbian, Android and Blackberry OS earlier, now turned for Windows OS. PROS: A. Its really a good smartphone without any lag in processing or working.

B. The best is HERE inclusion with full support, WIFI working is really awesome, and downloading on 3G runs like butter, and above average on 2G as well. C.

Display/Touch is wonderful, like skiing on ice. Good support for graphics, mostly without any visible lags. D.

Various Hubs like Music, Game, images also a nice one. E. Email/messeging is also too good to have threaded.

CONS: A. As of Nokia product, I dint find any visible con, except the battery power, It drains very fast. Nokia should have been supplied with good Juice, atleast 1800 mAh for this good device.

B. Windows 8 OS is really good and easy to handle, UI is really good. Even my father used at one go only.

But there are certain points for which microsoft must do something..... 1. Restriction of shifting apps/games, other Office files to memory card 2. Sharing/sending office & other files to other devices by bluetooth 3.

Must include sound profiles as all phone have 4. Inclusion of multiple home screens.

The Nokia Lumia 520 is a device which has largest market share on Windows Phone platform. You know what that means.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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