Ok the gu I like who knows I like keeps acting like he likes me but saids he hates me help?

Ok the gu I like who knows I like keeps acting like he likes me but saids he hates me help! Ok, at school there is this guy who I like(my ex-friend told him she likes him too! ) Anyway he told me he basicly hates me told all his friends that his desk is right behind mine , but today at lunch one of my friends well two of my friends saw him staring at me!

So I apply a beautiful shade of lipgloss and asked a good friend who happend to just be sitting there a supid? And saw what he would do , he stared! Later I tripped and he laghtd I tripped twice realy!

I am in 6th grade if that help Asked by youngbeautifulheart 17 days ago Similar questions: gu acting likes saids hates help Politics & Law > Issues.

Similar questions: gu acting likes saids hates help.

WOW that is some show of affection NOT! That was rude of him. He probably stared at you because he couldn't believe you'd ask such a stupid question.

And he TOLD you he hates you, HELLO! Wakey wakey! You need to forget about him, and find someone who will help you if you trip, not laugh at you.

What are you all of 12 years old? .

" "help! My new boyfriend hates going to bars..." ""John likes ( ) but not ( ). He loves ( ) but hates ( ).

" Anyone know how this exercise in deduction works?

Help! My new boyfriend hates going to bars...

John likes ( ) but not ( ). He loves ( ) but hates ( ). " Anyone know how this exercise in deduction works?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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