One hears about the Third World Countries, The First World, even The Fifth World?

One hears about the Third World Countries, The First World, even The Fifth World. I have a pretty good idea who's who, but how are these categories defined, really? And why the emphasis on the odd numbers?

Who's in the Second World? Who's in Fourth? Anyone know how these terms originated, or by whom?

Asked by OccupyPhatness 30 months ago Similar questions: hears World Countries Science > Math.

The U.S. Is first world. Obviously. Russia/U.S.S.R. And Europe were second world.

They were powerful, but not as powerful as the U.S.They are self-sustaining. The "third world" designation is therefore all the other countries that are NOT self-sustaining, the sustenance farmers of Somalia who starve when a war happens, the sustenance farmers of Sudan who starve when Moslems invade and take their land for the oil underneath, etc. Mexico is the wealthiest "third world" nation, and what that means is that its proximity to the U.S.Ups its people's income level but much of their income is still money sent home from its citizens living in the U.S. And for decades, that's what there was. This "fourth" or "fifth" world nation is a recent invention of someone to try to magnify the perceived hardship of their pet nation.

They are all "third world", really. Tragic fact: Africans could solve their problems if they ever decided to cooperate and share instead of constantly shoot at each other..

2 We (The U.S. And our Buddies), the 'econmic powers of the world' are the First World, "The Commies" are in second, and the rest are in Third... But, then there are "The Emerging Nations" who, like India for example, if they can gain some economic power get to go from third to first - just like that, even though that economic business is the only thing they have that isn't from the Dark Ages...

We (The U.S. And our Buddies), the 'econmic powers of the world' are the First World, "The Commies" are in second, and the rest are in Third... But, then there are "The Emerging Nations" who, like India for example, if they can gain some economic power get to go from third to first - just like that, even though that economic business is the only thing they have that isn't from the Dark Ages...

3 The "emerging nations" are growing so fast, that collectively they're setting the tone for the "new world order"..That is:1. Ruling class (own everything)2. Servant class (the old middle class that actually does the work).3.

Peasants (cannon fodder)..

The "emerging nations" are growing so fast, that collectively they're setting the tone for the "new world order"..That is:1. Ruling class (own everything)2. Servant class (the old middle class that actually does the work).3.

Peasants (cannon fodder)..

4 The first world is the "Old World", the nations that have existed for a thousand years or more, the original empires and colonial powers: Europe and Japan. The second world is the "New World", the former colonies: The Americas and Australia. The Third World are the developing nations: Africa, Middle East, India, Southeast Asia.

I don't know how the former communist nations are classified.

The first world is the "Old World", the nations that have existed for a thousand years or more, the original empires and colonial powers: Europe and Japan. The second world is the "New World", the former colonies: The Americas and Australia. The Third World are the developing nations: Africa, Middle East, India, Southeast Asia.

I don't know how the former communist nations are classified.

" "the book is about different countries of the world. Teddy bears are featured on the pages. Whats the name and author?

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The book is about different countries of the world. Teddy bears are featured on the pages. Whats the name and author?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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