OOOH, RAIN! I hear thunder, and am very excited about the prospect of RAIN. I can't remember the last time it rained here, we have been in a drought forever.In honor of the rain, what are some of your favorite rainy day activities?
During the summer, I throw open my windows and clean! Asked by prettyface 55 months ago Similar questions: OOOH RAIN hear thunder excited prospect remember time Environment > Weather.
Similar questions: OOOH RAIN hear thunder excited prospect remember time.
Bring it on! I HOPE it actually does rain this time! We need it so badly!
My brother just visited from Boston and kept giving us dirty looks when we talked about needing rain. They have had more than their fair share up there. He would send it down here if he could.Haha.
I like playing checkers with my son. We also have a Wii. We like watching movies too.
What else? I wouldn't mind baking up some cookies or something fun like that. It would be nice to clean house with the windows open and a cool breeze while listening to the rain.
Sources: my own brown lawn...
Rain is a change of pace around here. Its g o new-b, I live in South Florida in the upper Florida keys, we have two seasons here in South Florida, rainy and hot, cool and dry. Wintertime here in Florida is a time to get outside and get things done, paint something, prune the yard, and throw open all the windows and air out the house, because winter is our summer, the summer here in South Florida is hot humid and sometimes mosquitoes can be a problem, but after six or seven months of nothing but sunny days, rain is a welcome change of pace, clouds boil up off the ocean in the morning.
And we get some rain within an hour or two of sunrise, then most of the day is sunny until late afternoon. When more clouds boil up, and we get a downpour in the afternoon between 3 p.m. And 4 p.m.
Typically, where I live. Most of the houses are up on stilts, because it's a flood zone. And I like to sit underneath the house, which is sort of like a carport and just listen to the rain and watch it fall, and does it fall.
Some days I have seen up to 5 inches of rainfall in three or four hours, and the sun comes out, and within an hour. You could never tell it rained except for a few deep puddles here and there, so setting aside the South Florida weather report for a moment. I love to sit and listen to the rain, and I love the time right after it stops, the sound of water dripping in the trees, a lot of rainbows here where I live, and a feeling that the world has been cleansed and freshened until the next downpour, unfortunately, the rainy season is not a good time to throw open all the windows, because all the envelopes in my desk drawer will glue themselves shut.So to boil it down to gravy, I love sunny days.
But after about 900 in a row , nothing is better than a good old thunderstorm, for a change of pace. Sources: I live in a rainy place, I live in a sunny place, I love both. Because one complements the other .
Getting wet When the weather is hot and it rains, I love to stand outside and get wet, its the most amazing way to cool off! It incredible how quickly you can get totally soaked through..If my kids are outside with me too, we'll play 'its raining men' by the weather girls (try it, its fun! ) I also love to clean and tidy in weather like this, I have no logical explanation for that.
I love smelling the wet earth in the garden. The kids really enjoy watching the windscreen wipers working overtime in the car. Of course, we love splashing in the puddles too...
1 I've been feeding the ducks that think the puddle-lake in the front yard is their private swimming hole! LOL! We've gotten a LOT of rain lately here!
I've been feeding the ducks that think the puddle-lake in the front yard is their private swimming hole! LOL! We've gotten a LOT of rain lately here!
Tomorrow is opening day! But I hear it is supposed to rain.....Anyone.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.