There are indeed hot air blimps available from other reputable manufacturers today. However, we're not satisfied with the performance of these other aircraft in a two important ways. First of all, their designs can only be inflated when the surface winds are fairly calm.
The key to controlling any blimp in a moderate ground breeze (unless you willing to hire a small army of people to act as ground crew) is being able to fly up to a mooring mast. The key to being able to fly up to a mast is effective control of steering at slow airspeeds. That's why we chose to tackle low-speed steering first.
It is the key enabling technology for using a mast. In general, none of the other hot air ships steer very well. Some of the more advanced designs steer reasonably well once they get up to speed.
However, things get tricky when they slow down to hovering speeds -- i.e. When approaching a mooring mast. In contrast, we can spin our ship around like a top.
In order to obtain such highly effective ... more.
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