Rocketeer Question-Do you lock your home when you leave for the day or is it unlocked-the same with your car-Do you feel?

So if you don't like whats going on and its unsafe MOVE! Asked by TheRocketeer™ 29 months ago Similar questions: Rocketeer Question Do lock home leave day unlocked the car Do feel Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Rocketeer Question Do lock home leave day unlocked the car Do feel.

We don't lock up when we're's a safe, residential neighborhood...but... We do lock the doors when we take off for church on Sundays....any other day, there's always some neighbor home with a watchfull eye on everything...but, on Sunday, we all leave just about the same time and are gone for a few we lock up, just to be on the safe side. We have an informal 'neighborhood watch'. When we moved here around 6 years ago, it seemed that none of the neighbors really knew each other...there were a few friends scattered here and I printed up a flyer asking them to join our Happy Hollow Neighbor list...names, addresses, phone # and email.

I got about an 80% response...and it's great. If anything is going on, I just shoot out an email to everybody..... It's great for organizing neighborhood yard sales, parties.....letting everyone know if there's a 'boil water' notice...or a missing pet....whatever. It's really brought the neighbors 'together'.....and they've named me as the Mayor of Happy Hollow...LOL I still lock the car, though...just out of habit, I guess.

What do we watch? Just watch everybody's back, if someone's away and a truck pulls up in their driveway, one of us will 'walk the dog' and check them out. Don't need's a dead end so it's easy to spot a strange vehicle lurking around.

I don't think I could 'write a book'....this would be about it...a half page at most...just a lot of nice families who happen to be neighbors.

I definitely lock my doors - to both my house and my car - even when I'm in them. I've always done that, no matter where I lived. Both my parents and my husband's parents did the same.

I even remember my father-in-law telling me to lock my car when I was driving for safety. I never would leave my house without locking my door and especially my garage door. I live in New Jersey, so I'm curious to hear from other Askvillers on this.

MusicLoverMe's Recommendations Lewis N. Clark TSA Sentry® Cable Lock - 2 Pack Amazon List Price: $33.99 Wordlock LL-206-RD 4-Dial Luggage Lock, Red Amazon List Price: $10.99 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) Master Lock 4684T TSA-Accepted Lock in Neon Green, Orange, Pink, or Purple, 2-Pack Amazon List Price: $17.92 Average Customer Rating: 3.5 out of 5 (based on 25 reviews) .

1 I live in a rural area and have accidentally left the door to our house unlocked for 2 or 3 days with no incident. I wouldn't do it on purpose, however. As the car is in a locked garage, I don't lock it at home.

Anywhere else, it's locked all the time.

I live in a rural area and have accidentally left the door to our house unlocked for 2 or 3 days with no incident. I wouldn't do it on purpose, however. As the car is in a locked garage, I don't lock it at home.

Anywhere else, it's locked all the time.

2 I remember the day I never did either. I left my keys in the ignition of my car so I would know right where they are. I left keys in doors for the same reason.

I have always lived in safe places, but as we all know, no where is really safe. Today I lock every thing, every where just to be on the safe side.

I remember the day I never did either. I left my keys in the ignition of my car so I would know right where they are. I left keys in doors for the same reason.

I have always lived in safe places, but as we all know, no where is really safe. Today I lock every thing, every where just to be on the safe side.

3 We do not have more of a neighborhood watch other than all of us who are nosey. Every week cars in this area are stolen because owners left their keys in their cars to 'just run in and get something' - so there are folks indeed who are watching. Just by being out and watering the garden you can really figure out everyone's patterns, etc.After all, this is NY - leave something open?

Are you crazy? Not on your life. But that is just how it is - doesn't feel unsafe - you get used to it.

We do not have more of a neighborhood watch other than all of us who are nosey. Every week cars in this area are stolen because owners left their keys in their cars to 'just run in and get something' - so there are folks indeed who are watching. Just by being out and watering the garden you can really figure out everyone's patterns, etc.After all, this is NY - leave something open?

Are you crazy? Not on your life. But that is just how it is - doesn't feel unsafe - you get used to it.

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Rocketeer QUestion-During the Summer-Please do not leave your Dogs, Cats or Skunks Locked in a Hot Car-Heat can build up.

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I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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