Should I sell my PS3 for a XBOX 360 elite?

Helll no! I have the ps3 and love it..You have to pay for live (not much better), a hard drive, (well the ps3 has it built in)..and not to mention a wireless router..The PS3 IS WAY BETTTTTTTTTTTER! KEEP YOUR PS3 AND DON'T BE A DUMMMMMY PS3 ALL THE WAY!

I didn't say that you need to buy a hard drive for the elite...You have to buy one for the regular..and even if it comes free it's still the price of the

It's really a personal decision, if you like gaming with your friends, Xbox Live is the place to do it, besides that, I would only stick with a PS3 if you like sports games, the 360 is the way to go for FPS games. You don't really need an elite version either, you can always go with the premium or the arcade, and just buy a hard drive, and with the new map pack for MW2 coming out in a week just for the 360, I would seriously consider it.

I hate my 360 sooo much because I wasted $150 for xbox live and so did my brother and we thought 3 years ago that the 360 would save us money. I would recommend the 360 for multimedia like movies and online gaming but everything else sucks. Also its free!

:D Buying the new 360 gives Microsoft more money and they don't spend any just horrible DLC's But an advantage is the Kinect wonderful and I love mine but too much money. If you are in a low budget then get the ps3. If you have money to get kinect and the 360 then get that.

NO! If your going to play online games then stick with the xbox. Get the new xbox slim with the adapter.

The ps3 has crappy online servers since it's free and you would practically only get the bluray. If you want online games and a good experience get the xbox it's a lot better.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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