Similar questions: endangered Civil War battlefields preserved.
Yes If it is forgotten and turned into another Starbucks, it is to the detriment of us all. People died on that land, and even if we hate what they stood for, they were Americans, and part of what makes us what we are today. Sources: opinion .
Some questions When one says "Civil War battlefield" mental pictures of Gettysburg, Antietam and Bull Run come to mind. However, the number of clashes, battles, fights are in excess of 10,000. The first question becomes "what are the important ones?"
The next question concerns scale. A battle is never neat and isn’t easily contained into one area. Should it be just where the fighting was?
The hospitals? Supply areas? The approaches used to march there?
Some of the town of Gettysburg was the scene of the battle? Should that be preserved or just the lines of battle? Then there’s the visual impact.
Should a battlefield retain it original views? Back in 1974 a 307 foot observation tower was built to provide people a view of the battlefield. It dominated the landscape until 2000.
Should this, as well as other buildings, be a consideration? Finally there’s cost. Do you tell someone not to sell their property?
Tell them they can only sell to a park? If a conservation group onces the land should they have to bid against a developer? Sources: .
Yes The battlefields of the Civil War, War of Northern Aggression, War Between the States or whatever title you wish to use should definitely be preserved. That war did more to define our country as a nation, unite the various states and clarify various aspects of our Constitution and Bill of Rights than any other wars fought on foreign soils. I am far from an expert on the subject.
However, those battlefields are part of our heritage as a nation and important as touchstones for our future and future generations of children to help them understand just who the USA is. I understand also that not all sites can be preserved and it is sad to see areas built up commercially where years ago open fields gave one the ability to "see" where the battles were fought and how the land was changed forever. I'm thinking specifically of the urban sprawl now occurring outside of Washington, DC and the area around the Battle of Manassass.It's not a perfect world and compromises have to happen.
I love history, especially American history and the Civil War period, as well as WWI. Hope this gives you the info you're interested in. Bear60's Recommendations The Civil War: An Illustrated story Amazon List Price: $75.00 Used from: $3.24 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 30 reviews) .
You bet your life they should. Story is everything to what a country's culture is, without history there can be no national pride and without that there can be no country. The Amricaan Civil war was the defining event that made this country what it is today.
We must never forget the sacrifice made by those who fought, suffered and died to save the Union. Battlesfields are that history and preserving them as a monument to the men that died is paramount. They are howllowed ground with the graves of the dead.
Would you build housing developments on a cematary? It has happened and never should be tolerated. There are many organizations devoted to the rememberance of veterans of the Civil war and the preservation of the battlefields and I am proud to say I am a member of several..
Just my two cents..... I've lived on the west coast all my life and I've yet to see any historical monuments or battlefields of the civil war. This is something that is high on my 'to do' list so I hope these sites will still be there by the time I get around to seeing them. I understand that real estate might be at a premium in sacred historical locations due to increased populations and demand for residential/commercial/industrial expansion but you have to draw the line somewhere.
I believe these battlefield sites are intrinsic to preserving the living history of the United States and protecting them should be tantamount to all other considerations. Sources: A concerned citizen .
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.