Sinatra fans... Do you miss his music? What was your favorite song?

I have always loved ... You'll Always Be The One I love and Put Your Dreams Away! Asked by ~Nutty~ 55 months ago Similar questions: Sinatra fans miss music favorite song Entertainment > Music.

Similar questions: Sinatra fans miss music favorite song.

I love Frank too... I love Frank Sinatra. I wouldn't say I miss his music because his music is timeless. I do love those crooners though.

I lOVE Dean Martin- probably cuz I 'm Italian and my mom used to sing those old italian songs that were sung to her. I love his usual popular songs Strangers in the Night- kinda reminds me of how I met my husband, well, like the feeling NewYork, NewYork- because well, I love NewYork! :) My Way I'm sure there is a ton more, but I just can't think....I'm sure after I submit this I'll think of a bunch more!

But my favorite song is Fly Me To The Moon- I just always thought it was beautiful, dreamy, and that feeling you get when you first fall in love. Sigh...... Sources: me amyt76's Recommendations Sinatra: Vegas (Box Set, 4CD/1DVD) Amazon List Price: $79.98 Used from: $59.75 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 72 reviews) Romance: Songs From the Heart Amazon List Price: $18.98 Used from: $6.80 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 19 reviews) Video .

Ah, I love Frank... My absolute favorite is "Fly Me To the Moon". I do love his music, even though he was not a fan of rock and roll. I have to admit that, for a couple of years after I heard that, I was kind of angry, I guess, that he wasn’t a little more open minded to other forms of music.

He did make that statement early on in the rock and roll era, though, so I just thought that he must have come around. Lol Then, I started listening to his music again. I am a Jersey girl, so I kind of have to love him.

Some of my other favorite Frank songs: "My Kind of Town" "Swingin’ on a Star" "It’s Only a Paper Moon" "Coffee Song" There are many more but you just asked for the favorite anyway. This is my favorite Sinatra quote, even though you didn’t ask for that either: "May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine. " You gotta love Frank.

:) Sources: my opinion sweets's Recommendations HOBOKEN Birthplace of Frank Sinatra Mug Romance: Songs From the Heart Amazon List Price: $18.98 Used from: $6.00 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 19 reviews) The Very Best of Frank Sinatra Amazon List Price: $31.98 Used from: $18.95 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 90 reviews) Frank Sinatra 8" x 10" Custom Framed Hollywood Stars Photograph Video Check this out - awesome.

Frank's stuff is timeless I do a weekly radio show of fun music from mainly the 70's and 80's but I nearly always have a "crooners" set that includes Frank and some of his Rat Pack pals. The listeners seem to really enjoy it as much as I do. I commonly get requests for it during the radio show."The Way You Look Tonight" is a common and popular request.

1 Amy, I will be singing all night long now! Thanks for answering this question! .

Amy, I will be singing all night long now! Thanks for answering this question!

2 AMY! How cool is that? We have the same favorite Frank song - all those songs he recorded and we picked the same one - AND the same video too.

:D .

AMY! How cool is that? We have the same favorite Frank song - all those songs he recorded and we picked the same one - AND the same video too.


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I miss the music Q. If you miss it. Then post a song showing how you feel about it.

CLASSICAL MUSIC: OPERA - "Aida" and Corelli, a great match! Do you have a favorite Corelli aria or song?

I love disco music from the 70's. What's your favorite disco song, and why?

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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