Software utility to convert pps to ppt format powerpoint files?

Software utility to convert pps to ppt format powerpoint files Need shareware or freware utility, to imprt pr convert to PPT format, originally downloaded . Pps presentation files. Asked by newuser9096032 44 months ago Similar questions: Software utility convert pps ppt format powerpoint files Computers > Software.

Similar questions: Software utility convert pps ppt format powerpoint files.

The best way to do this, is to save the PowerPoint show to your desktop. Then open up PowerPoint and open the PowerPoint show you just saved. This will open the show up just like any other presentation, allowing you to edit it fi you wish.

Then just save it again using the Save AS to the PPS format.

Those file formats are actually the same Actually, you don't need to convert since those file formats are the same. See this post I authored a few years ago: Quite often, you might have received a PowerPoint presentation with a PPS extension rather than the normal PPT extension - here's more info... Technically there is no difference between PPT and PPS files. You can rename the extensions whenever you want and the presentation file will remain the same.

The difference lies in how PowerPoint treats them: - By default, PPT files open in edit mode within PowerPoint allowing you to use all the menus and commands. - By default, PPS files open in slideshow (play) mode and you see no PowerPoint interface. When the presentation finishes or you manually exit using tthe ESC key, PowerPoint also quits.

Having said that, you can play a PPT file directly from within Windows Explorer - right-click the file and the choose the Play option in the context menu. You can also edit a PPS file without changing the extension using either of these options: * Just drag and drop the PPS file from Windows Explorer into an empty PowerPoint window. * Launch PowerPoint and open a PPS using the File | Open option to edit a presentation.

* Right-click a PPS file and choose Open With... | PowerPoint in the context menu. Sources: G*B's Recommendations Cutting Edge PowerPoint For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Amazon List Price: $24.99 Used from: $4.74 Average Customer Rating: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 13 reviews) Cutting Edge PowerPoint 2007 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) Amazon List Price: $24.99 Used from: $9.93 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 2 reviews) .

You don't need one... Just open the . Pps file with PowerPoint using File | Open rather than double-clicking the . Pps in Windows Explorer.

If the . Pps file is not protected, you should be able to open it and then save as a regular (.ppt) presentation.

1 You misunderstood my question, I trying to convert from PPS format into regular PPT file formt.! .

You misunderstood my question, I trying to convert from PPS format into regular PPT file formt.!

2 Yes, you can save the file with the PPS format on your computer. Then open PowerPoint and OPEN the PPS format file. It will come up like any other PowerPoint program, and you'll be able to edit it then.

If you don't have PowerPoint, that's a totally different question.

Yes, you can save the file with the PPS format on your computer. Then open PowerPoint and OPEN the PPS format file. It will come up like any other PowerPoint program, and you'll be able to edit it then.

If you don't have PowerPoint, that's a totally different question.

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