GET parameters go in the action url, POST parameters in the form's inputs.
GET parameters go in the action url, POST parameters in the form's inputs ... etc.
You can set GET vars by changing URL: For dynamic GET vars I believe you need Javascript.
Right, but all of these variables are generated dynamically so to put them in the action variable is not feasible. – SemperFly Aug 2 at 21:44.
You cannot do a post and a get in the same form you even said that in your question. You have to either: Have 2 forms Have one thing submit with a post via ajax and then submit the other form with a get.
I'm aware that I can't do them in the same form. I want to achieve the same end. – SemperFly Aug 2 at 21:43 @SemperFly and I gave you the ways to do it.
– Neal Aug 2 at 21:44 1 @Neal: Um, I think you mean "you can do POST and GET in the same form". Well, ok, the actual http request will be either POST or GET, but that doesn't mean you can't have a query string in the url. The server in question is running PHP, so it'll read both sets of parameters just fine – Flambino Aug 2 at 21:52 @Flambino you cannot do both with dynamic information... – Neal Aug 3 at 16:14 @Neal: What do you mean by "dynamic information"?
PHP can "dynamically" output a couple of inputs with values in POST form, as well as a url with a query string => GET + POST. The only thing I can imagine is that you want some user input to be sent as GET and some to be sent as POST, in which case javascript can help you out, by moving values to the form's action url. Again: solved.
If you can't or won't use javascript, and still need some inputs sent as POST and others as GET, then yeah, that's difficult, but then seriously: What are you even trying to do?! – Flambino Aug 3 at 21:56.
Endophage: If it's a PHP array, just store it in a session. This worked great. Obviously, I'm showing my web development greenness here as I didn't really consider using a session.
Or www. Mywebsite/page. Php?
Id=15 "> we need to see your code also to make it easier, especial this array thing.
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