Another shooting yesterday - more students killed. 1. Your ideas on what's causing this insanity.2.
What - if anything - can be done to stop it? Serious answers only, please. Asked by OldppieHatesNewAV 47 months ago Similar questions: Teachers college university parents Education & Reference.
Similar questions: Teachers college university parents.
Some people get really upset I spent a lot of time on at colleges when I was younger. Seems I can remember a great deal of unrest during the late 60s and early 70s. Kids threw bricks and did lots of bad things.
But, there weren't a lot of kids killed by other kids. The difference might have been that we weren't afraid to be violent, but we had self imposed--learned, limits on how violent we could be. I don't remember seeing people shooting other people on TV until later than that period and they were in cities, not at schools.
I really think things are tougher for kids nowadays. 1. There are a lot more people--built in stress 2.
There is a bigger divide between rich and poor 3. Kids are habituated to violence-TV, video games, at home 4. Families are not as strong--two parents working to make a living--only one parent 5.
The media covers these stories in a manner that gives the unhappy kid too much attention 6. And so on and so on I think these events should be covered in the media just like hijackings were after the first couple. We should not be hearing all the details--I think this puts ideas in kids heads.
We really need: 1. Fewer people 2. Better, more even distribution of wealth such that families could have less stress--jobs, better pay, fewer divorces etc.3.
Media that examines the stories they put on the air for more than how many people they can get to watch and buy there stuff--the potential effects of the stories on society should be considered. 4. Rebuild the feeling that our country is headed in the right direction and we in America are living in one of the greatest countries that ever existed--just like the good old days.
We can do all of these things and more--maybe then the kids will go back to throwing bricks to vent their frustrations.
No more worried than the lack of security at, say, malls. I believe the insanity is not anything in particular to schools and universities, but rather features of our culture at large. A few that come to mind immediately: lack of funding for mental health services, easy access to lots of guns, TV and media that pay attention to mass murderers (who often aren't getting the attention they wanted in life, so it creates an attractive image to the next person who is feeling neglected and wants 15 minutes of fame, even if they aren't around to enjoy it).
Schools and universities just get slightly more of it because that's where people who are at about that stage of life spend a lot of their time. I don't think that the schools can do anything to stop it completely. Ndsight is 20/20 about what the colleges or the fellow students or teachers should have done to report the troubled student.
College campuses are just too big and too uncontrolled spaces to prevent the gunman from getting into classrooms with guns. Most colleges and universities put "notification" alerts into service after the Virginia Tech shootings, where students get emails or text messages to their cell phones telling them there has been a shooting on campus. However, at least at my university, the silly alert service can't be put into play except by the administration, who has to hear about the shooting first; and I for one am busy lecturing and not checking my email and cell phone for messages about gunman every two minutes.It's not like, say, a fire emergency, which as a instructor in front of the classroom I (or a student) can trigger within seconds to alert and evacuate the whole building.
(And most of the neighboring buildings will notice the alarm sounds too; some alarms on my campus are so piercing that you have to stop lecture in a whole quadrant of campus until the fire trucks get there. ) The other thing is that we can't know how much we have already stopped. How many students haven't killed people cause a instructor directed them to mental health help after reading disturbing papers they wrote, or because a teacher stepped in and kept bullying down to a tolerable level?
Would the North Illinois gunman gone on to other buildings and shot more people except that he figured that campus would lock down after an alert inspired by Virginia Tech? Sources: personal experience .
I'm 25 miles away from Dekalb, Illinois... And I've been a basket-case for nearly 24 hours now. A lot of my friends have children that go to NIU, and my kids have buddies that go there. It's been truly horrendous.It won't be easy to beef up security without building walls and making the campus a fortress.
Metal detectors at each building can help security inside, but the sprawling campuses at most colleges still make it possible for a shooter to lie in wait outside. One partial solution I can see is to hire more campus police officers. That would raise tuition costs, but you have to have priorities.
It would be fantastic if some wealthy alumni (sports stars, CEO's, etc) would donate even a fraction of their earnings back to their schools to help assure the safety of the next generation's students. The school could have everyone enter campus through controlled entrances, complete with metal detectors. If there were enough entry points, it would be a viable plan.
(And no worse than going through O'Hare Airport) Anyone observed entering otherwise by the increased number of campus security would be arrested. As to what's causing this insanity-Heaven only knows. This shooter was supposedly "off his meds" at the time.
Working in Corrections, I see a multitude of people that make me shake my head and wonder why. I have no answer. I wish I did.
As a parent with two children and one son-in-law in various colleges, it is disturbing, but I cannot afford to become panicked about it. What can be done? Nothing right now.It is not so much a security issue as the fact that we have lost our moral and ethical moorings in this country and violence is viewed as either the answer to things or entertainment.
Security will be stepped up. Violence will continue. Those two things are virtually guaranteed.
Is it insanity? It is certainly the result of insanity.As we have tossed over belief in and dependance on God, there has been nothing to replace There can't be. And so we have nothing to offer our children but what they can invent for themselves or decide to believe in or about themselves.
In addition, we have fed ourselves chemicals which in our foods, our drugs, and illegal substances, have succeeded in altering the chemical balances in enough people and children that we cannot control the resultant personality disorders. Allowing megacorporations to control what we eat, what we wear, and the air we breathe and water we drink, we have done this to ourselves. Money rules, and this is where it has led.
There is no way out. Not really. Not until the Lord comes and cleans up this mess.
We live in s free society and there is only so much we can do to secure our campuses without infringing on rights We do not want kids in college to be held captive by and armed presence. One thing I suggest is that classroom doors be locked once class begins. In the last two mass shootings the killer came into a class in progress..
" "I need some opinions...? from those who work in the education field AND Parents too.
Mostly for teachers - but parents can answer it too.
I need some opinions...? from those who work in the education field AND Parents too.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.