My first purebred dog was bought from someone that many here would call a BYB. Although she was a small springer, she was within the standard. She lived a healthy life, dying when she was nearly 16.
She had no health issues (not even ear problems), was sound and stayed very healthy throughout her life. She had a wonderful temperament. In fact, she was one of the first registered therapy dogs in the state.
She also had her CDX and was a search and rescue dog. This little dog got me involved in dog sports back in 1984. We went places and did things that we never did before.
She was a great little dog and I miss her still. I've bought dogs from show breeders that had many more health problems including ear, skin, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, and aggression. My current dogs came from the shelter.
They did come with baggage. In one dog, I'm still dealing with her baggage and she just turned 9 years old. I bought her when she was around 9 months old.
She was spooky, flighty and had some fear aggression issues. She also kills cats. This dog has made me a better trainer as she is a pain to train as she is stubborn and sulky.
She does have her RN and CD titles but I really had to work for them. I'm not moving forward with her as she is just a pain to work. The other two just had some of the common pound do issues due to lack of training.
Both have rally titles. The older one has her CDX and is working on utility. She also has NA title in agility.
The young one is just getting strted.
Nope, I have never bought a dog from a BYB. I did have a rescue dog. I got her as a 12 week old puppy, so I was able to pretty much work with her from scratch.
No severe behavioral issues or phobias to break. Behaviorally & temperament wise she was a fantastic dog. Health wise?
Not so awesome in a few areas. I'd rather not get into that discussion because I still find it upsetting. She passed away about a year ago at the age of 14.
Wonderful dog. Legit: Not as of yet. I'm hoping to find a good schutzhund club in my area but nothing is for certain.
I think she would do well at it but I'd rather she be accessed by someone with more of a trained eye before making the choice. I've also thought about trying agility with her. I do have to do jump courses at home.
Nothing special. I just set up different level jumps to have her go through, for fun only right now. Nothing organized.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.