The Mahalo Daily Dozen: What are the top questions asked at Mahalo Answers nearly every day?

You have named a few of the most asked but there are a few more. I think this is a common "my first question" asked either anonymously or attributed. - How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

And another likely "getting my feet wet" question - Why is the sky blue? A common "Mahalo Answers is a direct line to a celebrity" confusion question. - Ask Dr. Oz; Dr. Oz could you please explain the {Insert ailment here} on my {Insert body part here}?

And the obvious other celebrity confusion question. - Justin will you date me? - Justin will you date a fan?

- Justin are you single? (sngil, singel, snagil, singeel, etc. ) - Justin what is (or What is Justins.) your email (or phone #) - yada yada yada I think I have answered this question more than any other single question. - How Does Mahalo Work?

Or basic variations of this. Very strangely..(I thought this was second .. or first .. nature) - How do I get pregnant? - Am I pregnant?

- How to increase the odds of getting pregnant? - etc. Despite all privacy concerns people ares till dying to know.. - How do I log on to Facebook? And finally in my less than a dozen "most common" repeated question(s)... - Anonymous "About {Any coupon} please" that I am sure are just asked by higher ranking Mahalo users so they themselves can answer the anonymous coupon question and then hopefully gain the best answer and the likely revenue sharing.

Not really a bad idea but just mildly annoying as I believe the questions are not genuine. Edit - there are at least 20 questions a day that I vanish because they are spam "Where can I watch {whatever} for free" or "Where can I download {whatever} for free? " I only vanish these if the asker posts a link(s) in the question that suggest a website that is likely a spyware/malware way to supposedly d/l or supposedly watch that program... OR they are asked the question link free but the question gets answered by a user(s) who posts a spam linked answer(s).. these users.. I know their @usernames and I see them everyday.

I vanish lots and lots of these users questions.

I'm also guessing that Justin Bieber related questions are up there as well.

And finally in my less than a dozen "most common" repeated question(s)... - Anonymous "About {Any coupon} please" that I am sure are just asked by higher ranking Mahalo users so they themselves can answer the anonymous coupon question and then hopefully gain the best answer and the likely revenue sharing. Not really a bad idea but just mildly annoying as I believe the questions are not genuine. I only vanish these if the asker posts a link(s) in the question that suggest a website that is likely a spyware/malware way to supposedly d/l or supposedly watch that program... OR they are asked the question link free but the question gets answered by a user(s) who posts a spam linked answer(s).. these users.. I know their @usernames and I see them everyday.

I vanish lots and lots of these users questions. You have named a few of the most asked but there are a few more. I think this is a common "my first question" asked either anonymously or attributed.

- How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? - Why is the sky blue? A common "Mahalo Answers is a direct line to a celebrity" confusion question.

- Ask Dr. Oz; Dr. Oz could you please explain the {Insert ailment here} on my {Insert body part here}? And the obvious other celebrity confusion question.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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