The Rocketeer Etiquette Question- If you at a fancy smancy dinner party & the food stinks-can you call out for Pizza?

Or should I ask for a Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam Sandwich--with potato chips and a chocolate milk. Asked by TheRocketeerâ„¢ 31 months ago Similar questions: Rocketeer Etiquette Question fancy smancy dinner party food stinks can call Pizza Amazon > Askville.

Similar questions: Rocketeer Etiquette Question fancy smancy dinner party food stinks can call Pizza.

1 what you do is move the food over your plate ...and you might try a mouthful or two ..but never hurt someone's feelings :) .

What you do is move the food over your plate ...and you might try a mouthful or two ..but never hurt someone's feelings :).

What if my stomach starts to really Growl! Should I take my own garlic salami sandwiches with me- just incase?

3 If the food stinks,take the cell order 3 Medium Pizzas from Dominos at 5.00 each for 3 deep dish Pizzas and share with the people at your table. You will be a hero. This user has been banned from Askville.

3 If the food stinks,take the cell order 3 Medium Pizzas from Dominos at 5.00 each for 3 deep dish Pizzas and share with the people at your table. You will be a hero.

If the food stinks,take the cell order 3 Medium Pizzas from Dominos at 5.00 each for 3 deep dish Pizzas and share with the people at your table. You will be a hero.

4 If the food stinks it has lots of garlic in it...which makes it a lot healthier for you than a PB&J. Eat as much as you can and rub the rest on your clothes.

If the food stinks it has lots of garlic in it...which makes it a lot healthier for you than a PB&J. Eat as much as you can and rub the rest on your clothes.

Mine is Pizza, grinders, & Halloween cupcakes" "The Rocketeer Etiquette Question: If you are at a fancy smancy dinner party--when is it OK to let out pent up gas?" "Rocketeer Question - A Very Public Thank You to everyone at Askville! " "I have an Askville etiquette question that I need to ask. " "Rocketeer Question-Men-does your wife make you Hummingbird Food each night for dinner?" "Rocketeer Question-I was ordered a Pizza from one of the fast food places---I ordered a plain pizza-PLAIN!

And they? " "What's the etiquette on taking a baby to a dinner party?" "Rocketeer Etiquette Question-Any suggesting for me about going to this Fancy Smancy Dinner Party-should I bring my own" "Rocketeer Question-I just got a call from The Pope--he's stopping by again for Christmas Dinner-should I serve, fish.

Mine is Pizza, grinders, & Halloween cupcakes.

Rocketeer Question - A Very Public Thank You to everyone at Askville!

I have an Askville etiquette question that I need to ask.

Rocketeer Question-I was ordered a Pizza from one of the fast food places---I ordered a plain pizza-PLAIN! And they?

Rocketeer Etiquette Question-Any suggesting for me about going to this Fancy Smancy Dinner Party-should I bring my own.

Rocketeer Question-I just got a call from The Pope--he's stopping by again for Christmas Dinner-should I serve, fish.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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