Please read details. By "non-parental care-giver" I mean persons such as teachers, coaches, or day-care workers. I have made other questions about sexual abuse by persons in parental positions.
Asked by Renrul26 50 months ago Similar questions: sexually abused non parental care giver CPS involved end read details Family.
Similar questions: sexually abused non parental care giver CPS involved end read details.
Yes - and they said the babysitter was a "normal 16 year old boy" "Normal" - for sexually abusing a 5 year old girl and her 6 year old brother. My parents involved the police, and he was forced to undergo a psych exam, and when the psychiatrist came back with the statement that this ...person... was "a normal 16 year old boy", my mother almost had a nervous breakdown. There was nothing they could do unless they took him to court - and my brother and I would have had to testify.
They chose not pursue it, and even so, there were many bad feelings in the neighborhood for his having been accused - people thought he was "charming", and he was a piano prodigy. I repressed the incident, only to come face to face with my abuser when I was 21, and someone was introducing him to me at college. My reaction when I heard his name & his voice, and saw him, was to run.My friends finally caught up with me half-way across campus.
I was hysterical and incoherent. It had all come flooding back. CPS never got involved.
I don't know if this is because it happened in 1967, or because he was deemed to be perfectly "normal". To this day I am disgusted with how the authorities dealt with this. I should say that there was another boy in the house, but he ran and hid in a closet until our parents got home, and so "escaped" the molestation.
I don't believe my brother remembers any of it, or if he does, he refuses to believe it was more than a bad dream. Even with 3 kids saying this 16 year old did what he did (or tried to w/#3), the authorities wouldn't believe it happened - after all, why would 5 & 6 year olds tell the truth? It scarred me until I was close to 30 - don't know how I finally came to terms with it, but I did.
Now I am an advocate for students, and every year have worked with kids who come to me with stories of abuse & rape. I fight to help these kids, even when their parents/guidance counselors/school admins don't believe them. I guess to truly understand what they're going through, you have to have had it happen to you.
Sources: an unfortunate episode in my life lizita's Recommendations The Right Touch: A Read-Aloud Story to Help Prevent Child Sexual Abuse (Jody Bergsma Collection) Amazon List Price: $15.95 Used from: $9.71 Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 (based on 15 reviews) Uncle Willy's Tickles: A Child's Right to Say No Amazon List Price: $8.95 Used from: $5.20 .
1 You've asked several questions on this topic. People might not be comfortable answering without knowing why you asked. You'll probably get better answers if you explain why you want to know.
You've asked several questions on this topic. People might not be comfortable answering without knowing why you asked. You'll probably get better answers if you explain why you want to know.
3 Sardis & Jacki14: I am interested on several levels: I am a single custodial father who homeschools a daughter. I have seen here on Askville constant assertions that homeschoolers are at greater risk of abuse than children in school, although studies of the issue do not support that. I also have been a Guardian Ad Litem for the Juvenile Court in my hometown.
I often felt the way CPS handled cases may have actually inhibited the child's ability from recovering emotionally from the abuse. I attended a seminar on how to develop "The Resilient Child" and the presenter was critical of CPS procedure, claiming it delayed the child's healing and was akin to rubbing salt in the wound. I also saw many cases of false allegations that absolutely tore families to pieces, and I believe traumatized the child as much as an actual act of abuse would have.
Finally, I very recently answered a question here on Askville "If you had suspicions that a coworker was abusing a child....". It was much harder to answer than I expected and all these things have made me wonder what is really going on? I am also planning to post questions asking abut experiences with false allegations, but I thought I'd wait a few days to post them so I'd have time to respond to answers and questions about these questions.
Perhaps I should not have posed the questions at all and if no one answers I would completely understand.
Sardis & Jacki14: I am interested on several levels: I am a single custodial father who homeschools a daughter. I have seen here on Askville constant assertions that homeschoolers are at greater risk of abuse than children in school, although studies of the issue do not support that. I also have been a Guardian Ad Litem for the Juvenile Court in my hometown.
I often felt the way CPS handled cases may have actually inhibited the child's ability from recovering emotionally from the abuse. I attended a seminar on how to develop "The Resilient Child" and the presenter was critical of CPS procedure, claiming it delayed the child's healing and was akin to rubbing salt in the wound. I also saw many cases of false allegations that absolutely tore families to pieces, and I believe traumatized the child as much as an actual act of abuse would have.
Finally, I very recently answered a question here on Askville "If you had suspicions that a coworker was abusing a child....". It was much harder to answer than I expected and all these things have made me wonder what is really going on? I am also planning to post questions asking abut experiences with false allegations, but I thought I'd wait a few days to post them so I'd have time to respond to answers and questions about these questions.
Perhaps I should not have posed the questions at all and if no one answers I would completely understand.
4 Thanks, Renrul26. I didn't think the questions were inappropriate but I was curious about why there were so many on the same topic. My first thought was that you were were looking into doing some research.
If someone who wanted to answer had thought the same thing, you could have gotten information that didn't really suit your purpose. Now that you've provided details, I think you'll get useful answers .
Thanks, Renrul26. I didn't think the questions were inappropriate but I was curious about why there were so many on the same topic. My first thought was that you were were looking into doing some research.
If someone who wanted to answer had thought the same thing, you could have gotten information that didn't really suit your purpose. Now that you've provided details, I think you'll get useful answers.
Please read details. " "Were you sexually abused by a non-biological parent? Was CPS involved?
How did it end? Please read details.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.