GIMP is the Gnu Image Manipulation Program which is akin to Adobe’s Photoshop and is a pretty unique program as it is free. GIMP also works with Photoshop’s PSD files, which is a great milestone all on its own. You can work with layers and utilize many tools akin to how other image editing program work.
The cool thing is that more an more people are waking up to the capabilities of the program, and being free does not hurt either! Currently GIMP is under development for version 2.8 so going to 2.0 may not be the way to go. The number one thing being worked on is stability.No one likes to work in an unstable environment but they have done a great job development wise.
For more information visit GIMP’s site at:
The main differences between gimp are (without quotes):. The main differences between gimp and gimp 2.0 are (without quotes):.
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