Chickenfoot is a rock supergroup featuring vocalist Sammy Hagar (ex-Van Halen and Montrose), bassist Michael "Mikey" Anthony (also ex-Van Halen), guitarist Joe Satriani and drummer Chad Smith (of the Red Hot Chili Peppers). Chickenfoot has completed a record that was released on June 5, 2009. Music style "The style is high-energy, kick-ass rock 'n' roll ... We all bring to the table some unusual influences and then we also share a lot of roots.
And I think that's where a true color of a band comes out, just how we react to each other. So, it's definitely rock music. We haven't brought each other together to do a techno record... We'll draw from funk, blues and experimental.
We know what we want to get out of it. We want passages in songs that develop and we want everyone's personality to be able to come out. So, it's going to be expansive but it's going to be rough." says Joe Satriani, guitarist.
Sammy Hagar has reportedly said that Chickenfoot could 'rival Led Zeppelin'. He said " ... more.
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