3 Jobs....jobs.....more jobs.....and quit giving money to banks so they can give their CEOs millions of dollars in bonuses, that doesn't help the economy.
4 I think Oldppie has a handle on the mood of America. There is still a lot that can be done but everything now should be focused on Jobs. In that vein some specific actions would include:Make the tax cuts permanent - The business environment needs some stability. When business doesn't know what's coming, whether taxes will go up even more, they freeze.
They need to know what coming and what they can afford. Open up drilling - Lease revenues to the Gov. Will increase and jobs will be created.
Balance of trade will improve and the future will look brighter. A bit longer term but this move alone will provide optimism for industry. Get out of private industry - If you want to regulate them then regulate, but get out of the ownership business.
Businesses can't grow with a bureaucrat in charge or steering thier business. Tax incentives for small business - we need to get these guys moving again. It is the only way to get the economy back on track.No more Pork - Congress has got to stop excessive spending.
No more deals, no more quid pro quo, If there's money in a bill for anything other than the actual intent of the bill, get rid of it. Tarp money that is left, apply it to the deficit/debt. Stimulus money that is left - use it for job creation/tax cuts.
There are a lot of ancillary issues that could be addressed but nothing should require much spending that doesn't create jobs. And the Green Agenda, doesn't create jobs. Terrorism can be addressed with an attitude adjustment, not money.
Revisiting our import export duties can have a dramatic effect on jobs and won't cost money. I could go on for a while here, but it would all be in the same vein.
You can continue to grow and know God’s will. Evidence of a personal relationship with him is doing God’s will. But only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
7:21 Not everyone who claims to be a Christian is a Christian.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.