Sounds like you girls are ready to have a good time. Depending on how nasty or naughty you want to be, there are lots of ideas on the Internet. I'll give you a few.1.Www.stupid.Com - This place as all kinds of things that you probably could find some reason to use at a Bachelorette Party.
For example, they have a Biological Clock, Toilet Bowl Lip Gloss, Dumb Blonde's Tape Measure, Critter Pot Holders, and Party to Go Kit.2. - This website has a number of different articles that will give you party themes and ideas for your party.3. - This website is hilarious.
You can buy all kinds of gag gifts and party games. Some examples are the New Husband Voodoo Doll, Ladies Night Out Book, "How Well Do You Know The Bride"? , and my favorite, Pick-Up-Dicks.4. - This Internet site boasts that it will help you make your Bachelorette Party a party that is remembered for quite awhile. Some products available are Unveiled Bachelorette Party Game, Bachelorette Hangover Kit, Pin the Macho on the Man Bachelorette Game, and the Bachelorette Party In A Box. This should give you an idea of what is out there for you to plan for your girlfriend's bachelorette party.
Have fun!
Bachelorette Party is usually arranged by the bride's circle of friends and involves a variety of gags, games or just a plain partying. In organizing, such kind party one must determine the duration of the activity, whether it's a single day/night or weekends. Organizers should be reminded that the cost of the bachelorette party is on them and not for the account of the bride.
One of the recommended periods for the kind of party is normally one day, activities that commonly come into play on this event is the striptease sessions for the bride. Another recommended activity for the bride would be to pamper her with a wellness sessions such as body massage, face spa and the like, which gives the bride a stress free way heading into the wedding. To complete the day of the bride-to-be, it might as well be enjoyable to treat her to night of party or "head over to the movie theater with all the bachelorette party guests for the newest romantic film."
In order not to forget this big day, it is best to give out some souvenir of sorts, maybe a token, a cap or anything memorable.
I found a lot of really good books about the bachelorette parties on Amazon. Com and not only that! You can find an amazing quantity of gags, music, accessories, table ware and all sorts there! Then there is the Amazon Wishlist where everybody can join in and get their favorite gifts! If the bride hasn't got a wedding list yet, Amazon's wedding registry is brilliant, no problems, everybody knows where to go right up to the future baby registry. Well, I personally like things organized, even if they need to be "funny" otherwise one just gets a sort of "dull" party and that's somehow not it!
Why is it that the stripper jumping out of the cake is still the bachelorette party's favorite? Maybe you should organize one, go on then ... ;).
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.