Billy Joel's 23-year-old daughter with Christie Brinkley, Alexa Ray Joel, is in stable condition after being transported to a New York hospital just a few hours ago. According to sources close to the situation, authorities arrived to Alexa's Manhattan apartment after a 911 call alerted them to Alexa having trouble breathing. A female caller told a dispatcher she had "taken pills" and "wanted to die."
Paramedics found her having difficulty breathing, but got her medical attention. A source with knowledge of the situation says: “There was an indication the call came from Alexa’s roommate, but it could've been Alexa Ray Joel herself." The singer is "conscious" and expected to recover.
Investigators at the NYPD’s Sixth Precient say a drug overdose or even an attempted suicide have not been ruled out, but there is nothing confirmed as of yet. Rumors suggest she may have been struggling with her parents' respective divorces over the past year and a half as well as other personal problems. ... more.
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