I have a kenmore washing machine which is a HE washing machine. By mistake normal detergent was used in this machine.It is not working now. I am wondering if this is a coincidence or due to the detergent.
Asked by suryava 4 months ago Similar questions: normal detergent washing machine Home > Home Appliances.
Similar questions: normal detergent washing machine.
That could be coincidence. There are certain circumstances where pumps could fail from the excessive foal that non-HE detergent produces; but unless it foamed up to the point where it shorted out the main power supply; it should not completely kill the machine.
I am not sure what exactly the problem is. It is in my house in another state, where my tenant lives there. They are complaining that it is not working.
If it was because of not using the HE detergent, I am wondering what the corrective action can be at this point. Suryava 4 months ago .
Oh, great. Renters. Well; the only recourse I can think of is that you have to contract with a local repair service; and ask them to be aware of potential damage from using non-HE detergent and let you know if they think that is the cause.
If so, the corrective action is to give your tenant the bill.
It's the detergent, probably clogged. I had the same problem temporarily with my dish washer. Ran out of dw detergent, augmented it with some Palmolive liquid soap.
Suds all over the floor. Never did that again.
Xtra® ScentSations® Spring Sunshine Liquid Detergent for your information can be used on front loading washing machine.
Can I use hair shampoo for clothes detergent in my washing machine.
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