WHAT IS LOVE? Give your definition of love. Give examples. Tell me why love is important?

Ahhh the meaning of love. The word love is both a noun and a verb. There are so many meanings of this word that have developed over time.

The truest meaning of love is as complex as the emotion itself. You love your friends, children, spouses, family, job, pets, hobbies and more. You love these things for different reasons and to varying degrees.

While you may risk life and limb for your children, you would never do the same for your favorite sports team. You may love an object. We express our affection for our favorite team (Go Red Sox!) and we may express our love for our favorite hobby, however what we really mean is we enjoy them, not truly love them.

No one would give their life in the same of sewing? We love our family. Our parents, our siblings, and our extended family.

However, we may not at times like them. Most would argue we love them out of obligation, not choice. Then there is the love we feel for our spouses.

We support them, we adore them, we lust for them, we would in many circumstances sacrifice for them. And this love is by choice. We chose them, and they us.

However, there are still instances where this love could diminish, and we could no longer feel for them what would be considered a "love". The truest meaning of love is unconditional. This is the love we feel for our children.

There is no other bond or relationship we could have that would bring out the strongest emotions. Of course we get angry and disappointed. But that would never cause a loss of love.

As in those moments of anger, we feel this way because we want only the very best for them. We are frustrated, but still loving. There is not one action, ever, that would change the amount of love I have.

If you truly love something, regardless of any circumstances, it is unconditional. Accepting faults, accepting mistakes and choices, and supporting them regardless of what life may bring.As any parent can attest, once their child was born, life changed. And no matter the situation, our children always rank #1.

My definition for love is GOD. For me love is defined as God for He embodies ultimate and unconditional love. God is synonymous for love because He is the source of it.

He is not only the source but he manifests s love to us in so many ways. When we love someone we are selfless. We don't think of our own good but the good of the person we love.

We also have respect for the person we love and we try to take care of them and protect them from any harm. I can say I have experienced God's love through my parents and family and the experience doesn't stop there. When I settled down and have my own family I experienced again s love through my husband and my daughters.

The happiness I felt in seeing, embracing, and kissing them is something that cannot be bought. The love I felt for them gives my life meaning. I now have a sense of purpose in this life.

I know why God gave me this life because He wants me to experience And that I think that is the most important thing in the world for love can sustain me through my any adversities in life. Love makes me feel that I can do anything, it helps me to get up when I have stumbled to persist whatever failures I have encounter.

The general definition of Love is when you have the utmost care for them. No matter what, you would always be there to help them. You also have a passionate affection for that person.

Love is important because without it we wouldnt be able to survive or exist. Now if you want the definition of True love with a person other than a friend or family. True love is the couple can go on for months and years without seeing or talking to each other,because they are already have each other spiritually.

And when they meet again, their love for one another hasn't change.

Love is when you're perfectly content to get up and go through the same routine day after day with someone. Love is when you're just happy to sit with that person and talk. Or when you know each other so well that you can finish each others sentences.

Love is the surrender of your heart to another person. Love can make you over look faults and make you want to be a better person. Love should never bring you down but it should lift you up.

I was taught that Love is a verb. Love is not a feeling. Which means that love needs work.

When you say you love someone, you need to prove it. You need to sacrifice some things for your loved ones, from the most insignificant, like choosing which restaurant to eat to maybe, sacrificing your life. Although I am not a Christian anymore, I’ve always loved the verse about love: Love is gentle, love is kind, it does not seek its own gain, it is not rude, etc.When we say we love someone, we must be prepared to do all this to that person or we lie.

People mistake lust and desire for love. No wonder that the divorce rate is high. They think that they must always have lust or desire for that person.

But that is not love. If you “love” someone because of what they can give to you, that is not love. That is selfishness, the desire to possess them as your own.

I’ve read a novel in which the main female character was a married woman who was having an affair with another man. She felt so deeply in love with the man that she felt that every time she slept with her husband, she felt like being raped. Her husband finally found out about the affair, but he said to her to go to the man if it could make her happy and he did it willingly for the sake of his wife.

The woman finally understood love and returned to her husband. As why love is important... love makes the world go round. We'll be nothing without love, but a selfish greedy animals that live only for themselves.

Love is just love, it can never be explained.

I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.

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