The atomic number of vanadium (V) is 23 The atomic weight of V is 50.9415 grams per mole See the Web Links and the Related Questions to the left of this answer for a periodic table and more information about this element.
The Atomic number of Vanadium is 23, and it contains 23 protons and 23 electrons, as atomic number represents proton and electron number, it was discovered ...
The atomic number of aluminum ( Al ) is 13 The atomic weight of Al is 26.981539 amu, and the molar mass 26.981539 grams per mole See the Web Links to the left of this answer for a periodic table with more information about this element!
The Atomic number of aluminum is 13. Have a great evening!
The atomic number of chromium (Cr) is 24 The atomic weight of Cr is 51.9961 grams per mole See the Web Links to the left of this answer for a periodic table with more information about this element!
The atomic number of helium (He) is 2 The atomic weight of He is 4.002602 grams per mole See the Web Links for a periodic table with more information about this element.
Ytterbium: Symbol: Yb, Atomic Number: 70, Atomic Mass: 173.054, Type: Lanthanoid, Found In: fiber optic signal amplifiers, infrared fiber lasers, and stainless steel alloys.
Hydrogen: Symbol: H, Atomic Number: 1, Atomic Mass: 1.008, Type: Nonmetal, Found In: 90% of atoms in the universe.
Iron: Symbol: Fe, Atomic Number: 26, Atomic Mass: 55.845, Type: Transition metal, Found In: structures, vehicles, and magnets.
Gold: Symbol: Au, Atomic Number: 79, Atomic Mass: 196.967, Type: Transition metal, Found In: coins, ultra-thin gold leaf, and electric contacts.
Palladium: Symbol: Pd, Atomic Number: 46, Atomic Mass: 106.420, Type: Transition metal, Found In: labware, electric contacts and dentistry.
Bismuth: Symbol: Bi, Atomic Number: 83, Atomic Mass: 208.980, Type: Poor metal, Found In: cosmetics pigment, fuses, and fire sprinklers.
Carbon: Symbol: C, Atomic Number: 6, Atomic Mass: 12.011, Type: Nonmetal, Found In: basis of organic molecules, animals, and plants.
Titanium: Symbol: Ti, Atomic Number: 22, Atomic Mass: 47.867, Type: Transition metal, Found In: aerospace, racing bikes, and artificial joints.
Promethium: Symbol: Pm, Atomic Number: 61, Atomic Mass: 146.915, Type: Lanthanoid, Found In: human-made, small traces in nature, and luminous dials.
I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. A good paper is one that people get drawn into because it reaches them ln some way.As for me WW11 to me, I think of the holocaust and the effect it had on the survivors, their families and those who stood by and did nothing until it was too late.